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B Train Shorty Storage


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I decided it was time to clean up the mess of B Train Shorties that we had. The were in this Ikea Alex drawer unit but all over the place. I went to makercase.com and used that site to whip up the plans for boxes that will fit into the Alex drawers and have a separate slot for each B Train. A bit of cardboard and some time on the laser cutter et voila.


Here's the drawer unit.



Three trays. Each holds 26 Shorties. If I made them a little taller I could put them 2 high I think.



The trays are removable.



You can take them to the train table easily.



I've also been working at cleaning up my bench. Made these drawer units, paint and brush holders.



Now to get back to my party project!






Edited by tossedman
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