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(SL) Headmarks


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I was wondering if anyone has some good online references for train headmarks used on named expresses. I did find this earlier thread alongside the website and the book linked in it, but the website seems to mainly focus on contemporary trains and I wanted to see if I somebody knew a better online resource for earlier JNR-Era headmarks ().


To be more specific, I am looking for reference photos/diagrams for the headmarks. While I don't have a specific reason/need right now, I thought it would be useful in the future for a couple of projects I have on my radar. 


I did contemplate buying a book, but me being broke kinda put that idea on hold for now, which is why I wanted to ask here

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Yavaris Forge

On the website there are quite a few JNR-era expresses (e.g. Yūzuru or Tsubame), but I don't know how early you want to get. "JNR-era" does span a relatively wide range of time. 

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I did a bit more digging and you're right, I didn't click enough links to find them, sorry...


The link in the earlier thread led to a data entry describing the trains operation in general.


This website actually hosts reference pictures, it was just buried beneath the mess that was the site's formatting (thanks Google translate!)


  On 11/6/2023 at 11:25 AM, Yavaris Forge said:

but I don't know how early you want to get


I was looking for post-war-ish headmarks, so your guess at Yūzuru or Tsubame was spot on.


Guess I found what I was looking for, Thanks!

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To be honest I prefer the layout of the site you linked here over the other one. Unlike the other website this one doesn't seem to be as messed up by Google Translate...

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Yavaris Forge

I wish someone offered some of the headmarks @Kamome linked above als replicas or metal prints. These would make really nice decorations.

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