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Mystery static Z scale diorama. Where can I find the others


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Ages ago I bid for a curious diorama in Z on a certain online auction site. Won it and was pleasantly suprised when it turned up. The Footbridge went onto Hakuho station, The platforms finished up on the railway museum on Hakuho as did the C57.


But I have no idea what they are or whether I can find any of the others




Any info would be greatly appreciated



Edited by kevsmiththai
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It looks like these were produced some time ago. Volume 1 was released in 2004 so Vol. 2 may have been a little later but can’t find any exact date. Shigemon produced a video on them 5 years ago and as he mentions he bought them at Hobbyland Pochi, no telling how old they are. There are some 3rd party sellers on Amazon asking exorbitant prices for them which you should avoid. From what I could find out, they were originally ¥525 at shops like Tam Tam so SRP probably around ¥700 or so.  They were in blind boxes similar to Tomytec products so I assume many just bought the whole box of 6. 



Suruga-ya has the coaling tower for reasonable prices but they don’t ship internationally.  Yahoo auctions also has some for ¥500 or so



From a few blogs seems some bought multiples of the roundhouse for obvious reasons. 




They used to have all 6 as a lot.




Best bet would be auction sites I’d imagine. Mercari may also be worth looking at. 

Edited by Kamome
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