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Can I combine Kato track with Tomix wide tram?


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Hello,  About 5 years ago I had a tram setup using Tomix wide tram track.  I moved around a lot so have not had it set up since then.

I finally am settled and have room to set up again.  All of the Tomix tram track I have are straight pieces and various curves.  The only way I can see to have a crossover is to use normal track that does not have the "built in look" like all my other pieces.

I did see Kato has a great looking crossover piece (Kato N 40-210 Unitram Street Track, Electric Turnout R180mm) so I am wondering if in the past 5 years maybe something has been produced to attach the two products?

Thanks for any information.



Edited by railsquid
fix name typo
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You looking for Kato 20-045. Its a short straight regular kato piece you can connect to tomix finetrack pieces. For the tram stuff might force you to build some in beetween out of these.

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  • railsquid changed the title to Can I combine Kato track with Tomix wide tram?

The separation of the pair of tracks is not the same with Tomix and Kato. The distance between the tracks in a Tomix tram track double track configuation is larger than the distance between tracks in a Kato Unitram double track.

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Yes, Kato uses a 33mm distance between parallel tracks, whereas Tomix uses 37mm. Also, most of the Unitram track line-up has not been available for years - many people are waiting to see the Unitram double-turnout pieces offered once more.


If you can use a hobby razor saw and hobby knife (like X-acto), you can use pieces in the Tomix roadway kit 3079 to "pave" the Tomix mini-points and create other ideas, like the tracks swinging off of the side of the road onto private ballasted right-of-way. The color and texture of the 3079 paving kit (but NOT the earlier 3076 kit) matches the Wide Tram track. In fact, for a simple crossover between two parallel tracks, you do not need to do any cutting, but you will need 2 kits. See https://www.tomytec.co.jp/tomix/report/n/nj_061.htm (shows the older 3076) and http://www.trainweb.org/tomix/ for ideas.


If you mean a 90-degree crossing, Tomix does make that in Wide Tram.


Rich K.

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