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Tall structures?


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I am wanting a large luxury hotel type structure, and have not found anything close. 

The overall size could be approx 200mm w x 100mm deep.  Height?  At least six, up to

maybe 10-12 stories.  I am using Tomix 4018's (three of them) elsewhere, so that's out. 


Any ideas are solicited.  Even a set of plans, pictures, drawings, etc would be helpful. 





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Hi there,


Not sure if Faller make such buildings as kits, but have you considered scratch-building one from plasticard? As I fear that this will be the only way to achieve such a tall building if you intend to have a 10-12 floor hotel building. However, if you are happy to settle for a 6 floor building, you could try modifying one of the Kato 6 floor buildings and convert it into a hotel and there is loads of Hotel logo floating about on the intenet, so you could even make your own transfers too :grin.


Hope this helps.

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I wound up going with the DPM 'Hilltown Hotel' kit.  I am using two, arranged in a "V" with a new lobby between them. 


Since the sides of the kit only fit one way, it took a bit of elbow grease sanding beveled corners on the second one so the desired end wall faces the front of the scene.  I am almost settled on the area in front of the hotel, but that would be telling, wouldn't it?  This is on an approx. 12" square module, part of the city set of new modules in the works. 


The xp box died, big time.  I'm stumbling along with this Win98 machine.  But the IRS hath refunded, and a new machine is in the works - this afternoon!  Pictures after that.

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you might try and track down the heljan 1713 hospital kits. they are listed ho, but that would make about 5' high stories (think being john malkovitch).


i think they are about 14 stories and a larger lobby ground floor. the sides look really good to kit bash if you want to make a larger structure. i think the tower footprint is about 3"x6" and the ground floor more like 6x7. i got them from lees trains for like $17 i think. interesting high rise that could be hospital, hotel, apt bldg. i think he was going to try and get some more.





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My favorite topic!  :grin


Joe, looks like you're going with the 'Hilltown Hotel', a good choice, but if you're still looking for options, here's a few more that are a bit more modern...


Attempt to get one of the seemingly good looking custom built jobs that show up somewhat frequently on Yahoo Japan's auctions.  I know a lot of us here are fans of some of that work (and wishing more of this craft was being done outside Japan!).

http://list5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/2084036323-category.html  Sorry the URL for that actual "Structures" link is too long to paste into a post, so just use Google tranlsate and click on the 'structures' listings.  You won't be disappointed!


There's a gentleman in Germany doing some interesting stuff with mirror tiles, but these look more corporate than 'hotel' like (although there are plenty of hotels that look like this)


The Heljan kit Cteno mentions is a great idea for a luxury hotel.  Here's a photo from Scaper's site (and actually, a pretty good place to get some ideas!):



There's also been some nice versions of the Greenmax office structure (forget what its called) that you can 'customize' , but I think these configurations get really expensive.  Can't recall where I saw these ideas, so sorry, no link!


And other, mostly older, German kits can often be found on eBay if your willing to wait and bid for the precise ones you want.  The Faller B-905 is fairly old kit that I think still is one of the best looking high rises ever made:



Anyway....good luck and share some photos of your progress!

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