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Kato E4 Question


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hi Guys

Just a simple question.

Has anyone had any experience where you can actually buy seperate motorised cars from Kato?


I am looking for the kato #4621 for the E4 Max Shinkansen. My motor car died and I need a replacement.

I checked the catalogue and some of the major websites and they do not list them seperately.


Any clues or advice would be really helpful :sad:




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Contact Popondetta, they are usually helpful in getting you the parts that you need in simple English.


Yes you have right,

the only way is to ask to resellers the correct spare parts (and pray that's available :-)

For my experience ask to Mr.Nao at Rainbowten and maybe to Jun Ibaraki (plazajapan), he help me some years ago.

If you have patience (but a lot of patience) sometime you find single cars on sale on yahoo auctions, I don't know the reason but some sellers split the origìnal box and sell cars, box, instructions and decals paper separately.

http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r60912121 that's an example, I bought past week the E1 motor car from this guy, the only way until now to complete/repair my one of my old E1..

Tomix start this year a new spare parts policy (end-users catalog, availability etc..) so I hope for the future Kato make the same..

p.s Kato E4 is planned to re-release in march/april so I think is the same for spare parts stock...good luck!




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Ok Guys


I realise now that seperate cars are not available.

I guess I could get another 4 car starter set and just expand the set I've got.

The repair thing might be a lost cause plus there are plenty of sets around and its not to expensive.

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If it's just the motor that is dead, you might try contacting Kato USA. They stock spare motors, and the one for the Budd RDC might be a close enough match. Of course, you'd have to figure out how to get one of the flywheels off (the E4 motor has but one)...

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Ok Guys


I realise now that seperate cars are not available.

I guess I could get another 4 car starter set and just expand the set I've got.

The repair thing might be a lost cause plus there are plenty of sets around and its not to expensive.


ouch! so drastic!

ask to your reseller before maybe you are lucky and you find the spare parts you need, asking and replying is gratis  :cheesy

(if you want I ask for you, I have a lot of spare parts in backorder)




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If it's just the motor that is dead, you might try contacting Kato USA. They stock spare motors, and the one for the Budd RDC might be a close enough match. Of course, you'd have to figure out how to get one of the flywheels off (the E4 motor has but one)...


If you know the part number (should be listed on the exploded diagram), then it shouldn't be too hard to just get the motor. Kato USA should have it. Call the number on their website. It goes to their 5 person office in the USA hahaha. BTW how old is the model? I also have an english speaking contact at Kato Japan if it's still under warranty. That's how I got my TGV Duplex fixed. You MIGHT be able to get into contact with them to order a replacement if it's not under warranty but YMMV.

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