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Kato and tomix both do taxis.


Use hobby search as a catalog to find.




This search shows many different vehicles you could use.


The tomytec 133 set has the roof lights and side decals of various companies to glue on.


Black Toyota crowns and hi-aces should work.

Edited by katoftw
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My plan


Buy these cos silly cheap



Paint bodies and tyres black. Paint grill and wheels chrome.


Add these details







Other colours-

White with blue side stripe

Orange with red side  stripe

Orange with white bonnet and boot

Green with white bonnet and boot


Edited by katoftw
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Tomytec did release a set of taxis but that was some time ago, last released in 2014. Product 25551 I believe.


Common taxi models are either older types like the Nissan Cedric or Toyota Comfort.  Most older sedans are all pretty much the same square shape so you could probably get away with a different mid-sized sedan model. Especially if you use the same model to create a big long queue of them, if should look OK. 


Newer taxis are Toyota Prius or the premium taxis are Toyota Crowns. The older Prius have quite a distinct look so difficult to replace but again the Crown is a large Sedan so you could substitute with something else quite easily. Premium taxis are usually all black or all silver. 



Tomytec have not done an N version of the new Toyota JapanTaxi, (a kind of London Black Cab inspired design) that started being rolled out before the Tokyo Olympics. They are now common place in many cities, not just Tokyo. Tomy Takara did produce it through their Tomica line though. 

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I was glad i went crazy with the taxis then... The taxis truely are getting harder to find, not just the taxis, basically N scale vehicles in general... 

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Yes it’s been sad to see Tomytec cut so far back on the various vehicle collections… not like the good ole days when cars for car collections were $1.50 each shipped… sigh.



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That’s for all our replies. Such a shame I can’t get any taxis however I have been able to get the Kato 23-500 Toyota Crown car set so hopefully I can convert one to a taxi.



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I got mine yesterday. I must admit it was the smallest total bits I’ve ever gotten in a Tomytec set! Figured I would perhaps make my own bits off of these designs later.



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Tomytec delivered the old taxis that are rapidly disappearing. Somebody needs to the add the fender mirrors. That marks a Tokyo taxi.

Edited by bill937ca
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I recently looked up S.Ride and it is a Tokyo taxi app. Companies in this app have over 10,000 cabs on the street.




There also are private taxis which are painted white. Japanese Wikipedia     https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/個人タクシー


License plates for taxis have a green background. Plates for Kei cars have a yellow background. General vehicles have white background license plates.


A white taxi is an illegal taxi as it doesn't have the green plates.    https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO23844530T21C17A1CC1000/


Tokyo taxi driver interview.   https://apnews.com/article/olympic-games-tokyo-sports-general-japan-sports-404ec0daff5aac09a99682f1e7c1c1fe



Edited by bill937ca
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1 hour ago, katoftw said:

(Is quoting oneself faus pass?)

No as long as you don’t use the royal “we”.



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