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Today’s odd buy


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This tee shirt showed up today. I’m sure most will look at me and wonder what the hell is that, but be too polite to ask…




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13 hours ago, cteno4 said:

This tee shirt showed up today. I’m sure most will look at me and wonder what the hell is that, but be too polite to ask…





Where did you get it?


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Mrs Railsquid has on occasion ordered clothing for me online via a Japanese import website or similar, inputted an appropriately large "X" value for Japan, and the item which turned up was actually scaled in US "X"s. The highlight was a shirt which was literally big enough for both of us (and Mrs Railsquid is towards the larger end of the Japanese scale herself).


Slightly back OT, I have just splashed out on a second "OLFA" scalpel, so I can have one with an older, slightly blunter blade which is still very useful for carving off minute bits of plastic etc., and one with a nice sharp blade for cutting stickers and stuff. To save the hassle of switching blades around.

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This kept popping up on my social media feeds and since I’m moving and will have a new desk / workbench - I thought I’d get one. Will use mine for tools and parts. 


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4 hours ago, katoftw said:

Seem them as tissue boxes. But stationery holder is better.

That’s available too, agree a pen holder is much better. They have blanks that you can have customized.

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I'm not sure that using "Evergreen" as the lead or main photo for advertising given the proclivity of "Evergreen" run container ships to get stuck  (Suez, Chesapeake) 😂


But it is a cool pencil holder.


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Somewhere right now, a small child is experimentially flushing one of those Evergreen ones down the toilet to "see what happens" ;).


I found that the similar, Japan-sized ones available from some 100 yen shops fit just nicely into a little shelf thing also acquired in a 100 yen shop:



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I got my container pen and business card holders.  I will be using them for tools and small bits on my workbench.  I will be modifying the compartments to hold more and different tools. They’re pretty neat. 😁





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Did anyone else get the Mizuno Bat made from recycled N700 Aluminum? I’m a big fan of Mizuno and obviously I love Shinkansens so was a no brainer for me. Thank you to Nariichi for ordering one for me. 





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3 hours ago, serotta1972 said:

Did anyone else get the Mizuno Bat made from recycled N700 Aluminum? I’m a big fan of Mizuno and obviously I love Shinkansens so was a no brainer for me. Thank you to Nariichi for ordering one for me. 


 Amazing to think that he N700 is old enough to having worn out trainsets and have them be recycled.  I remember not that long ago seeing the first N700 on a test run in Shin-Osaka, a few months before their switch to revenue service.


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I bought this Keio Line pass a while ago because it has my new favorite (old) cartoon on it...was pretty surprised to see it come up on my JP proxy


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got this cool Medallion recently from a local  auction. Can't find out much about it online or else it is in Japanese language. Would be great to get some more info about it.



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Might try a translate app on the phone on them. Ive picked a few of these commemorative coins in auctions and grab bags.



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@beakaboy Cool find!


The obverse is obviously 🙂 C57 1, the writing below that says 'other name: kifujin' which WWWJDIC translates as lady or noblewoman.  Japanese Wikipedia says this a nickname used by the media, I hadn't heard it before.


The reverse says sayonara kokutetsu.  Farewell JNR!  March 31, Showa 62 (1987). 


The writing below it says

  • First day of railway operations, September 12, Meiji 5 (1872).  It also says that was October 14th on the western calendar.  I wasn't aware there was a difference that recently.  This refers to the first train service in Japan, from Shimbashi to Yokohama.
  • Public enterprise (I think) Japanese National Railway, June 1, Showa 24 (1949).
  • Privatization and breakup, April 1, Showa 62 (1987)
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Thanks Miyakoji. great information. Its also surprisingly heavy at around 200grams

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