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Kato Viaduct Station converted for Caltrain Station


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A past project designated for upcoming static layout:  Kato viaduct station converted for single level Caltrain station.  Front side will face yard tracks, while rear side

will face street as front entrance.  Using this structure as a proxy for 4th and Townsend (Ex-Southern Pacific depot).  This will be the northern terminus for the Pacific Transportation Network (PTN), a fictional holding company for my freelance railroad consisting of selected California urban transit systems (Western Division) and consisting of selected Japanese urban transit pieces (Eastern Division).  Because this is fantasy, the Eastern Division is located as a "Japan-Town District" in Los Angleles, but would operate as if being in Japan.  This technique allows Eastern & Western Divisions to interact bypassing the reality of the Pacific ocean.  In a future post, will show a station designated as LAUPT (Los Angeles-Ueno Passage Terminal.




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