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Mini T-TRAK modules for my B Train Shorties

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Nice Andrew! What’s the dimensions on the module? Does your club do some single track Ttrak or is this just going to be your own little loop?



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Very nice. It took me a few instant to register that the station was not longer than three Shorty cars. Did you scratch build the station?

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On 10/29/2021 at 5:39 PM, disturbman said:

Very nice. It took me a few instant to register that the station was not longer than three Shorty cars. Did you scratch build the station?

The station is a TomyTec   (Building 138) Station G (Suburban Station) with platform extensions made from styrene.  The  platform fencing is Kato. The disabled access ramp is scratch built. The car park and pavement is form Scalescenes.


Cheers, Andrew G.


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On 10/29/2021 at 11:56 AM, cteno4 said:

Nice Andrew! What’s the dimensions on the module? Does your club do some single track Ttrak or is this just going to be your own little loop?



Jeff, thanks for the complement. I am pretty much an independent modeller as I live in a rural community with no other N scalers within 100km.

The module is built to the Australian T-Trak Mini-T standard. See page 5 and following on this web page:


The corner modules will use 183mm Kato curves and I have two straight modules in progress that slew the mainline form the back to the front of the modules. Most of the scenery will be suburban. I am hoping to be able to make a small layout for running the B-train Shorties at exhibitions and at home.

Cheers, Andrew G.


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Back at work.with a double length Mini T-TRAK module.  I'm roughing out a possible through station with a bay platform  and a kick back storage siding. Please excuse the line of Unitrack scraps lying along the front edge of the module, they are not related to the track plan.




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8 hours ago, Andrew G said:

I'm roughing out a possible through station with a bay platform  and a kick back storage siding.

Very nice. But I think it’s the first time I see a full width platform being used with Shorties rather than the shorter ones.  Not being used to it, it looks now a tad oversized.

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Yeah shorties do require some selective scenery compression. I really liked what Nich Yee did on his mini layout as he sort of compressed the scenery as you got close to the tracks and just putting full sized buildings very close together it matched up well with the shorties. Also lots of tighter curves helped a lot to not have the btrains on a flat side view for long, oblique angles help not jar the minds eye too much that they are so short. It is something that fights our visual memory some so will effect our perception of them.





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16 hours ago, disturbman said:

Very nice. But I think it’s the first time I see a full width platform being used with Shorties rather than the shorter ones.  Not being used to it, it looks now a tad oversized.

Point taken, I'll have a think about it. I have some TomyTec platforms to play with. Thank-you for feedback.

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Not quite back to the drawing board, but playing around after the previous recommendations. The narrower platforms from the Tomytec station kit does look better for the shorter units and also allows for the storage siding to be parallel to the bay platform, and not be a kick back. the background will be an urban theme, the back of shops, offices and/or multistory residential. There might even be a multi story car park at the left hand end:








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Work on the larger station module continues with the main line fixed down, the Tomytec platforms havingthe various holes and joints filled ,and a clearer laying out of the bay platform siding and storage siding. There's a few more weeks work to go.




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A bit more work on the long station Mini T-TRAK module. Repainting the three rooves of the station building and verandah have helped to visually tie the structure together. The bay line and storage siding are next on the list, plus soldering power feeds.



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A spare hour or so and I have laid the bay line and the storage siding using some scrap off cuts of flexible track. Soldering and track painting still to go...



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4 hours ago, Falcon said:

I need OIL for my Diesel engines !  I build a little refinery on my triple T-Trak-Module und tanks on the other triple.

Really nice lighting. I always like night views of industrial buildings!

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Some more progress on establishing the suburban theme mini T-TRAK modules for my Bandai B Train Shorty units.



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Hello Folks, Even more  progress on this T-TRAK minimodule.




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Starting work on the next T-TRAK minimodule with the track at the back, as in my small station module. I'm roughing out the hot house section of a plant nursery. A chance to build up some cameo scenes along the front. I'm thinking of a hedge, not a fence, around it to fit in with the plant theme. The green/hot houses are from "Faller" brand kits that have been in storage for quite a while.



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On 4/9/2022 at 1:55 AM, Andrew G said:


Love the s module to flip modules, helps break up the Ttrak loop and hide the trains a bit in the back.



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