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Books about Korean railroad


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As requested by one user, I've prepared list of best books related to Korean railway.

As far as I know, for example http://www.interpark.com/ and https://www.gmarket.co.kr/ offer international shipping if somebody will be interested in buying.

You can just copy the title of the book to online bookstore search box.


On history of Korean railroad:


한국 철도의 역사와 발전 (History and Development of Korean rairoad) - 3 books of this series were released.

Cover photos:



기차가 온다 (The train comes. 120 years of Korean railroad)

Photos from inside of the book:



On train models


철도 모형 제작의 교과서:레이아웃 편 (Textbook for making railroad models)

Photos from inside of the book:


It also covers some of Japanese trains models


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I'll try to find one of those, maybe the "120 years history" before, this time I haven't friend that read korean, I hope to find al lot of photos and maybe technical drawings (blueprints) like is common on japanese magazines, "fortunately" some trains are imported version of foreign company (Alstom, Siemens, GE etc...) and, maybe I misunderstood, some cars are similar to japanese rolling stock...  but high speed is my first target 😊






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