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I think I finally have enough Kokis


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I just got my hands on Kato's 10-1432 10-car Koki106/107 set and the other day one each of the recent Tomix Koki 104s


So, 36 mixed Kokis should be enough or 37 when I add in the Koki200 I've elsewhere. Now I think I've the opposite problem, not enough containers. 

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Thanks to this new bookcase I've now run out of storage space in my crate, so that's something I don't have enough of. And I've already said I don't have enough containers, when Nariichi-san had 10-1432 in stock, I almost placed an order for one and if he'd be kind enough to load each Koki in the bookcase up with whichever container he felt was appropriate  in order to bring the shipping size down to just a bookcase.


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There are only two possible states.

1. You have more Kokis than containers. So you need more containers.

2. You have more containers than Kokis. So you need more Kokis.

This is a highly unstable system, forever oscillating between these two states. I am currently in state #1. 

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Madsing: koki-containers-koki-containers-koki-containers-koki-containers-koki-containers…


sammy: bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus-train-bus-bus-bus-bus-bus…



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Sorry for my delaypost,


yes, ..... it is only a picture, an optical illusion ! Many container pictures ( 6x ) are on a "DIN A4" paper , length of one container 90mm.


Thanks Rainer



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thanks, wow that really pops visually for a printie. Usually those illusions fall apart with close up views. Nice!



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I don't know how many Koki I have.  I have a lot (both newer 10x and a couple 200 series) plus the older x5000/50000 types.


What I do know is I have a whole plastic bin (with the split lids that fold over and interlock) full of containers (in their boxes of course).  I obviously need more Koki for all the containers I have.


I have very few NA rail items.  For the most part the US trains are of little interest to me since I see them rarely and have no personal connection.   But as we have a large UP yard in this area and I see UP trains going up the canyon every once in a while, I ended up buying a few (4) US locomotives -- two with special liveries which is the real reason I got them as I am a sucker for special liveries.  (A large number of my modern Euro stuff is special livery as well. in as much as possible).  Anyway, for my 3 SD70ACe and one ES44AC, I only have container cars (or flat cars that can carry trailers -- whatever they are called).  Mostly well cars, and mostly the multi-unit ones (several sets of the KATO Gunderson MAXI IV multi (3) car sets -- also have some individual well cars and the flat cars for tractor traiers).  And of course I bought a bunch of extra containers to carry, mix and match, and stack on the side for the yard...  I don't have no stinkin' tank cars, box cars, etc for my small US trains...  (I do on the Japanese side -- lots of tank cars and a good small assortment of various box cars etc).   Actually, looking at my Euro freight the container and flat cars make up the bulk, though I do have various other ones as well.


I don't know why but it all started with these darn Koki wagons.  My first set was the KATO boxed set of 106/107 and it just kind of got out of hand after that.


Edited by chadbag
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Remember having enough Kokis is a disease. Just like Covid. You think its going away, but it never does not matter what.  Just keep on truckin!

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Hi! After buy some EMUs/DMU I want to get freight trains for my collection, some KoKi's makes me feel good, but I don't know how to start. A KATO starter set would'nt be bad at all, I have a train, tracks and an always necessary PowerPack...




... on the other hand I think the TOMIX 3 Cars Set Series that comes with 1 loco + 2 wagons or KATO Best Selection will be a good option, but terminated...


Also, it's ok mixing TOMIX and KATO wagons or it's necessary same couples? What couples?


So... I don't know how to start.

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  On 11/15/2022 at 5:45 PM, Sr.Horn said:

Hi! After buy some EMUs/DMU I want to get freight trains for my collection, some KoKi's makes me feel good, but I don't know how to start. A KATO starter set would'nt be bad at all, I have a train, tracks and an always necessary PowerPack...




... on the other hand I think the TOMIX 3 Cars Set Series that comes with 1 loco + 2 wagons or KATO Best Selection will be a good option, but terminated...


Also, it's ok mixing TOMIX and KATO wagons or it's necessary same couples? What couples?


So... I don't know how to start.



Both KATO and Tomix use, by default, the Arnold style couplers and will easily work together.  Some colorization of the two brands may be a little different if that botehrs you (doesn't bother me -- they weather differently in real life anyway).


I mix them.


Remember, Koki is an addiction, so however you start, it won't be the end.


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  On 11/15/2022 at 5:45 PM, Sr.Horn said:

Hi! After buy some EMUs/DMU I want to get freight trains for my collection, some KoKi's makes me feel good, but I don't know how to start. A KATO starter set would'nt be bad at all, I have a train, tracks and an always necessary PowerPack...

... on the other hand I think the TOMIX 3 Cars Set Series that comes with 1 loco + 2 wagons or KATO Best Selection will be a good option, but terminated...


So... I don't know how to start.


Some options. Some are sold out, but not terminated.  


There is a HS Tomix 3 Cars Series Set link which perhaps you should use as I see listings with locomotive misspelled. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/list/2067/6/1


From Tomix

J.R. Container Wagons with Electric Locomotive Type EF210 (3-Car Set)



J.R. Electric Locomotive Type EF210 with Container Train Set (3-Car Set) 



J.R. Type EF510 & Container Train Set (3-Car Set) 



From Kato a unit train with containers.

Series M250 Super Rail Cargo (U50A Container) Standard Four Car Set (Basic 4-Car Set)



Edited by bill937ca
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  On 11/15/2022 at 6:53 PM, bill937ca said:

Some options. Some are sold out, but not terminated.  



J.R. Electric Locomotive Type EF210 with Container Train Set (3-Car Set) 



J.R. Type EF510 & Container Train Set (3-Car Set) 





I like these two. They are not available right now. They don't appear on Amazon either. I'll consider buying locomotive and carriages separately even mixing brands.

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