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The worst part about model railroading is...


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So tell us all about YOUR worst part of model railroading.

FORMAT: My worst part about model railroading: (enter yours here)

This could be off-topic, or not.

My worst part about model railroading: DCC

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Mudkip Orange

The fact that all the trains are so expensive; ideally they'd come free with every Chalupa value meal at Taco Bell, and I could own whatever I have space/time for.

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We should move this topic into a more general platform.

Now that I've said that, the worst part for me is Scenery. Every aspect of the model RR is fun: design, construction, laying track, etc. except scenery.

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The fact that all the trains are so expensive; ideally they'd come free with every Chalupa value meal at Taco Bell, and I could own whatever I have space/time for.


The cost!


I will third the "Expensive Cost" group. not even looking at the bill for imported Japanese-manufactured products, modeling even American trains is a pricey hobby x_x

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I will third the "Expensive Cost" group. not even looking at the bill for imported Japanese-manufactured products, modeling even American trains is a pricey hobby x_x


Take a look at European trains some time - even before taxes/vat they're insanely expensive (even Kato charges more for European prototypes). It's no wonder they do so much scratch building and tiny layouts with only 1 or 2 cars.

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Interesting answers. Bernard, Can you move this topic over to N-scale or Off-Topic? Or can I do it myself?

For my answer I guess I was being vauge. I think that you could create a DCC like system with switches and track with DC for half the price.

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Price tags are not really of my concern. If you are die-hard enough ou don't care much about that. :cheesy No, seriously, the costs are a major issue with almost everyone, but for me personally it has always been a 'space' issue. One never has enough room to make the perfect layout... Also, another thing is changing interests, but I've finally found myself in non-electric traction.

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its simple for me.. ballasting I hate hate hate it


which is why I LOVE unitrack :)


Cost isn't really an issue as its the one thing I have no control over, either I have enough, or I wait and save for it (I've finally negotiated CDN$50 every two weeks for pocket money from the wife!  not bad after being together 17 years!)



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Martijn Meerts

Painting the tracks a rust colour and the sleepers a dusty dark brown is quickly starting to become a really bad part of modeling.


On the other hand, it looks SO much better in the end ;)

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So far, I would have to say cost ... like when you already spend $$$ for a full shinkansen set, only to realise you need to spend more $$$ for decoders and lighting kits .......... and n-scale people to sit inside, and a full station for it to stop at, and more lightings for the station, and more n-scale people to place at the station... hhmmm but that's the whole point of model RR; I think I'll stop here.  :cheesy

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The worst parts are.....


1) No matter what you do, wishing you could add just one more foot to any dimension on the layout....

2) Wire-in decoder installs

3) Using something other than unitrack & adding roadbed, ballast, soldering..... (even though it's more flexible, looks better)

4) Manufacturers that bring out something very cool, then only manufacture 53 of them for the entire planet

5) People in the hobby that insist that their way of playing with trains is the only way to play with trains


But not to be negative, the best (or at least good) parts are.....


1) Watching my kid enjoy trains, spending time with him playing with trains

2) Watching the trains go round and round with a tall scotch, after a crappy day at work

3) Having a wife that tolerates our spending, tolerates trains all over the house, tolerates doing something with trains on oh so many vacations and weekends (I guess she will agree on #1 above)

4) Good folks on this forum that are very helpful


Merry Christmas \ Happy Holidays

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For me the worst part of model railroading is the amount of things to model out there. You can model the most obscure railway out there to the most populous. There are at least three commuter lines out there that I'd love to model but it's been reduced to 1 which bites big time. Not being able to run prototypical lenght trains is another issue with me. I doubt that I'll ever get to run a 15 car commuter set unless I move to Japan and go to a layout rental place. 

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I am not very fond of building the framework. I cant say that I hate it but it is the thing I could do without.


Else I tend to aggree very much with nik_n_dad on his last four points :-)


/Magnus M

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Thanks... errr... dad for this positive thinking.


Loved your good parts bit and specially the three first ones. ^^




I wonder which fish I could catch with this but now I know, it's you. And you are a big one.  :laugh:

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Mudkip Orange

There are at least three commuter lines out there that I'd love to model but it's been reduced to 1 which bites big time.




Just come up with some freelance excuse for why equipment from all three lines shows up in the same place!


I run Keihan (1435mm) and JR (1067mm) stock on the same track at the same time. In real life this wouldn't even be *physically* possible, let alone operationally.

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