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Modellbahn JP

Modellbahn JP

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Modellbahn JP



KATO #10-229 JNR Class 82 DMU 6 coaches set (N 1/150 9m/m)


DMU built for express trains on non-electrified lines.

The body color resembles European TEE.

The set includes one dining car and one first class. The dining car is motorized.


EC page


eBay page





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Modellbahn JP



KATO #S14011 Hankyu Corp. Series 6350 EMU 4 coaches set (N 1/150)


Hankyu Corporation is a private railway that has a line connecting Kobe and Kyoto with Osaka as the terminal.

This system 6300 was built for express trains that run non-stop between Osaka and Kyoto.

There are many fans in Japan who like the calm brown color of the body and the bright and elegant interior.

This model has one coach motorized.


EC site







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Modellbahn JP



TOMIX #92385 JNR Series 165 7 coaches set (N 1/150)


EMU model for rapid service built in the 1960s and 70s.

The prototype is the train that connects Tokyo and Nagano.

Head / tail light automatic switching, running is also very good.

1 of the 7 coaches is motorized.


EC site


eBay site














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Modellbahn JP



TOMIX JNR Class ED76-10 electric locomotive (N 1/150)

N scale model of standard electric machine in Kyushu.
Of these, ED76-10 is a type with stronger brakes for hauling night express trains ("The Blue Train") connect Tokyo or Osaka / Kyoto.

EC page






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Modellbahn JP



TOMIX #2108KD JNR Class EF 64 electric locomotive


Standard electric equipment on routes with many slopes.

Head and tail lights switch automatically. With KD coupler.


EC page











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Modellbahn JP

I finished to advertise items which my store has in stock.

So, I'll share sold out items because I want folks to know what I ordinary deal with.


KTM Series 100 EMU "Grand Hikari" in HO scale made by brass


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TOMIX #92818 Class EF 66 electric loco + Series 24 Sleeper 6 coaches set (N scale 1/150)




A set of night express trains around 1985 between Tokyo and Kyushu.

A restaurant and lounge coach are set with 1st and 2nd class sleepers.

The locomotive is class EF66. It was liked by many fans in Japan.


Now on sale!

EC site



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KATO #10-450 JR-E Series 165 Moonlight(Red) (N scale 1/150)


A model of EMU was built for Rapid service which connected Tokyo and Niigata.

One coach is motorized and head/tail lights turn on.


Now on sale!


EC site




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KATO #10-351 JNR Series 181 EMU Exp. "Toki" (N scale 1/150)


A model of EMU JNR L-Express "Toki". It connected Tokyo and Niigata in the 1970s, before the start of the Shinkansen service.

One coach is motorized and running is still well.


Now on sale!


EC site



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KATO #10-173 JR-E Seris 651 EMU "Super Hitachi" (N scale 1/150)

A model of EMU JR-E built for Exp. "Super Hitachi" connected Tokyo with Sendai. It is the fastest express train on the traditional line.

One coach is motorized and has a little damage on the window.

But running is still well, and the head sign also lights up.


Now on sale!


EC site



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TOMIX #92413A JNR Series 455 (475) 7 coaches set (N 1/150)




EMU model for rapid service built in the 1960s and 70s.

It mainly worked in Sanyo (475), Kyushu (475), Hokuriku (475), and Tohoku (455).

Currently it works as a "Kanko-Kyuko (tourist express) train" at the Echigo TOKImeki Railway Company in Nigata.

Head / tail light automatic switching, running is also very good.

1 of the 7 coaches is motorized.

EC site



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Modellbahn JP

New item has come!


Tomix #92731 JNR Series 381 EMU "Shinano" 7-Car Set


A prototype was built for Express Trains which had to run through curvy rail.

Now, this EMUs run as Exp,"Yakumo" which connects between Okayama and Izumo-shi.

One coach is motorized.




EC site



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Modellbahn JP
Modellbahn JP



I'm taking a pre-order of TOMIX #HO-9073 Series 183-5 DMU (HET ver.).




DMU that JNR(former JR-Hokkaido) built for Express train in Hokkaido.

These run as Express "Hokuto", "Taisetsu" and "Okhotsk" but have been withdrawing from 2013.

Now, these run as a part of Express "Taisetsu" and "Okhotsk".

JR-Hokkaido is replacing these with Series 281 DMU.


*The price doesn't include sales tax of Japan and don't need to pay if you are living in outside of Japan.

In the case, I'll take extra charges depending on the destination.


I'm looking forward to your pre-order!


Basic set


Motorized add coach


Non-motorized add coach

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Modellbahn JP

ENDO JR-Q Shinkansen Series 800-10 EMU in brass HO scale

This item is a reserved item so it was sold out.























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Modellbahn JP

Now On Sale!


TOMIX #HO-9070 JR-W Series 683-0 EMU "Thunder Bird" Basic set(HO 1/80 16.5mm)


A prototype is EMU for Express train which connects between Osaka and Kanazawa. It is used not only as commuter train in lush hour but as Exp train . The most characteristic point is head coaches. Kanazawa side is built as Semi-Streamlined but Osaka side is built as gable. This is because composition is changed easily depending on the number of passengers. This set includes 1st class head coach×1, 2nd class head coach×1, intermidiate coach×4. *Current and power : DC 0-12V *The headlights and taillights are automatically switched *The minimum passing radius is 490 mm *With parts (for example wipers) and instant letterings




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Modellbahn JP

@JR East

The price of eBay includes handling charges so I could supply cheaply if someone could pay directly through paypal.

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Modellbahn JP

Endo officially announced the date will be delayed when they release Shinkansen Series 923 Doctor Yellow in HO scale.

It would be May or June 2022.


I'm also taking a reservation and looking forward to your pre-order!



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Modellbahn JP



I went to JAM yesterday and today and I took images which I had interests in.

Also I could take reservations which I share so please ask me when you'd like to buy!


Tenshodo announced they'll release JNR and JR Series 185 EMU in October 2022.

The variations are below

・3 Green Stripes(Item No.55044,55045,55046,55048)

・"Shinkansen relay" livery(Item No.55047)

・Shonan Block livery(Item No.55050,55051)

・"Express 185" livery(Item No.55049)

・JNR Exp. livery(only for official store)(Item No.55058)

・Shonan livery(only for official store)(Item No.55053)


・4-cars Basic Set(55044,55054,55050)...68,000JPY

・3-cars Add Set(55045,55051,55055)...48,000JPY

・2nd Class add coach(55046,55052,55056)...11,000JPY


・7-cars Set(55047,55048,55049,55053,55057,55059)...116,000JPY






Left to right

・"Shinkansen relay" livery

・3 Green Stripes

・Shonan livery

・Express 185

・JNR Exp livery

・Shonan Block livery




Left to right

・3 Green Stripes

・Shonan livery

・Express 185

・JNR Exp livery

・Shonan block livery

Edited by Modellbahn JP
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