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If you’re into (or not) garden gnomes


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So we have a park next to us with big playing field and playground. There is a 50’ streatch of wild park space between us and the main park path along the edge of the playing field that everyone uses to access the park and walk dogs between the blocks. We had a new solid fence installed around the backyard for the dog as the old split rail let him get set off barking at every jogger that went thru the park as well as any dog peeing on his park strip and the deer that use the park natural strip as a highway! We felt bad as the old split rail fence was nice and rustic and really disappeared well into the trees ans bushes and we replaced it with a big wall (well it is a very lovely solid fsc cedar fence with nice trim!) facing folks in the park. Summer is not bad as it’s a jungle here in the dc swamps but winter things can look pretty bare, so I decided to add a surprise to those looking carefully that should slowly start appearing more in the fall and winter.


There Be Monsters Here!




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