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I’ve noticed when I’ve been looking at the “machine translations” of Japanese hobby shops, that passenger equipment is described as “hematopoises.” What is that? Is it a weird translation of something?

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Do you have a link to an example to one of these translations?  Off the top of my head it might be a translation mistake when its supposed to mean "add on set" but I can't say for sure without an example.

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I concur.

"Hematopoiesis refers to the process leading to the continuous production of blood cells during life. In the bone marrow, it implicates rare hematopoietic stem cells capable of self-renewing and progenitors which expand and differentiate into diverse lineages."

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yes, I see (or used to see) this all the time on amazon.co.jp.  Also on ebay.   I've always assumed it was a mixed up machine translation.  Similar to KoKi sets which usually get translated to NSFW act names.


ETA:  now on Amazon, as I try and find one, they all now say "extension set"




Edited by chadbag
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Thanks for the explanation. A lot of these translations are really goofy, but it’s my understanding that Japanese has some significantly different usage rules and that’s sure to trip translation.

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1 hour ago, disturbman said:

"Hematopoiesis refers to the process leading to the continuous production of blood cells during life. In the bone marrow, it implicates rare hematopoietic stem cells capable of self-renewing and progenitors which expand and differentiate into diverse lineages."


Being vaguely aware of this term from histology, I've always been baffled when I saw it on HobbySearch. I figured maybe it was some parallel train meaning. Well, now I know it isn't.


A slight aside if I may. I've always been a bit confused by our use of "prototype" here, meaning "the real thing". I always thought a prototype was a kind of test model made to try out a new design before it goes into production. 

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You can always try your luck with archetypeoriginal, or life/real size train to add some flavor and variations, but prototype is correct.

Edited by disturbman
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Just now, disturbman said:

You can always try your luck with archetypeoriginal, or life/real size train to add some flavor and variations, but prototype is correct.


You're going to see me pepper all the above into my discussions here from now on. 

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