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Server and forum software update 02-2021

Martijn Meerts

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Martijn Meerts



Sometime in February 2021 I will be updating the forum software to a newer version. This was released several months ago, but we've held off updating because it deprecates the way we've been doing server side caching.


Since I had to look into some server settings for the file upload adjustments, I've also looked into replacing the caching system to the new recommended way of doing it. I've moved the forum to the new caching system yesterday evening, and so far it's been running quite well. I'll monitor it the coming days / week to check how much memory is used, and see if we need to increase the memory available.


There are also some minor visual changes, mainly just making the UI a little bit more modern.


For those interested, the release notes can be found at https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/. Our current version is 4.4.10.


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Martijn Meerts

Quick update on this. I've prepared everything on my 'new' pc (it's a year old, but I've not had to do a lot maintenance, so most of the tools I needed weren't installed ;)) to start making backups, and than doing the update.


That means the forum will likely be in maintenance mode or not available for a while tomorrow (February 14th) while I run some backups, and then do the forum update. I'm not sure at around which time exactly, so that'll be a little surprise ...


Hopefully everything will go smoothly and I don't need the backups 🙂


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Martijn Meerts



The server software and forum software have been updated.


As you can see, there are some visual changes, so if you can across something that seems off after the update, please let us know.


For the mods and admins, the entire admin panel has received a completely new design. Several features have been moved, others merges, and yet others removed. With that in mind, allow us a little extra time to solve issues, we need to first get used to the new admin panel and figure out where everything is 😄



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Martijn Meerts

The font is something we should be able to change fairly easy. I guess they went for a newer 'minimal look' font, to complement the rest of the more minimal design 🙂




Also, forum might still be going down a couple of times for a little while today. I'm also upgrading the database server since we're on a fairly old, deprecated version. These updated of course to require the database server to restart, which makes the forum temporarily unavailable.

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Whew, I thought my eyes were not just focusing quite as well, it is thinner and even looks a point smaller, but it’s readable even with my old eyes!



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I think the font might be designed for mobile uses. It looks a lot better and balanced on my phone. But not on my computer. As if some letters were thinner than they should or than other letters.


Edit: Could be because I read the forum at 90% zoom 🙈The bottom of all the letters are thinner than the tops.

Edited by disturbman
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Yeah the kerning is a bit odd on the iPad with longer lines like the computer. I think you are right meant for short lines.

But I’m happy even thin and small at default I can easily read it. Let’s see if I get eye strain over the next week! I can then blame it all on martijn!



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Martijn Meerts

The font is definitely designed / optimised for high dpi screens. On this MacBook Pro I'm typing this, everything is very readable.


We can play around with some font faces and / or size settings. It's easy enough to make a copy of the original theme, and try some changes there before applying those to the actual theme.

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On 2/15/2021 at 8:44 AM, Martijn Meerts said:

The font is definitely designed / optimised for high dpi screens. On this MacBook Pro I'm typing this, everything is very readable.


We can play around with some font faces and / or size settings. It's easy enough to make a copy of the original theme, and try some changes there before applying those to the actual theme.

Dark mode perhaps?

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