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Random photos of stations I have visited


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I like these new LED displays in the barriers. I also noticed that just one of the sets of tiles at the back has this stain on it for some reason.




Another little industrial display on the barrier. I guess this is showing the status of all of them.




Kawasaki Station.

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PXL_20250105_101626427.RAW-01.COVER.thumb.jpg.4c620437c909f11c903293c7de86ca51.jpg   PXL_20250105_101609330.RAW-01.COVER.thumb.jpg.89dddb0cb385389c121683a129912513.jpg




This last one is in Asakusa. I might have mentioned this before but the underpass has a belt for you bike. When you bike wheel enters it, the belt helps pull it up the steps.



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They had a load of these NHK News tapes from past years. Unfortunately they were all mouldy. I don't know why someone is poking that guy in the eye with chopsticks.




Amazon old box art. The guy in the golden nappy/diaper looks like he's about to have his legs broken by the very angry man in red. The colours don't even match the players in the game properly.




They did have some nice model train stuff though.

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1 hour ago, kuro68000 said:

Kubota make tractors so I don't know what the deal with his 12 cm magneto optical drive is. It was only 1000 yen, SCSI of course. If was the bulk that put me off. I don't have an 12 cm MO drive for my collection of failed storage media, but I do have a selection of 8 cm ones. Maybe it was for some farming software or something, although knowing these Japanese companies maybe Kubota had a line of computer peripherals I don't know about.

Yep, Kubota were involved in high end graphics in the 80s. https://cdromrom.wordpress.com/pc-fxga-wip/huc6273-aurora/

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56 minutes ago, Gunzel said:

Yep, Kubota were involved in high end graphics in the 80s. https://cdromrom.wordpress.com/pc-fxga-wip/huc6273-aurora/



Amazing. I love this line: "In the 90s Kubota was cash rich and saw an opportunity in making workstations aimed at 3D graphics applications."


You have to hand it to Japanese companies, they don't shy away from new business areas just because, say, they are a tractor company and the opportunity is for a high end cutting edge bit of silicon that will require a completely new division, skills, and business contacts. Imagine being the Kubota guy in charge of selling their 3D workstation graphics chips. You call up NEC because you think they might be releasing a new game console, and instead of asking why the heavy machinery people are on the line they think "oh yeah, the motorbike guys also make top tier pianos, the train guys make vacuum cleaners, so why wouldn't these farmers produce 3D rasterizer chips?"

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2 hours ago, cteno4 said:

Hence the cyber truck…


Electric car company expands into the trash can business?

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No, more the I’m successful I can just fire all the truck designers, not listen to them, and design it the way I want to. Obvious the dude never used a pickup truck in his life to do anything useful, irregardless of the other internal issues. But same thing I think happens at a lot of companies when successful and flush as it seems fo have happened way back in history as well.



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