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Random photos of stations I have visited


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Tamado. I looked for my little friend but there was no sign of him, not even his food or water bowl. I hope he's okay, adopted by someone.





I was quite tempted by the SCSI drives, floppy and CD-ROM. If it wasn't for the size and weight I'd probably have got them.




A game from my childhood. It was installed on my first computer, a pirate copy from the previous owner so I never had the box or manual. I remember it being great, but recently I watched a video about it on YouTube from a guy who does technical looks at old games, and it's actually incredibly simple. It's really just a set of still images, nothing really moves properly. I was 8 and it was magic to me.

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There’s something about the aesthetic of those floppy drives I really enjoy, not sure what I’d do with them however. 

The buildings at Moka are impressive too, worth a stop to have a look. 

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Higashi-Tokorozawa. The sky was more pink than it appears in this photo. Google does things with the sky colour to make it more like it "should", but in this case it's made it look different to real life. I'll have to fix it when I get home, if I can.





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Yotsukaido Station.




Narita Station. Poor guy!




First time I've seen one of these in real life. They are video on vinyl. The quality is pretty poor compared to Laserdisc, but these were around quite a bit before LD was. The disc is in the white cartridge, and you shove the cartridge into the machine rather than taking it out yourself.

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Quiet day today. Most stuff closing early. I'll wonder down to Sensoji a bit later. Just watching the music show on NHK and relaxing a bit.


Anyway, these are of Narimasu Station. Not sure what they are for, maintenance perhaps?




It's not a great photo, but that box has a couple of large LED matrix displays. I don't know why but I want them...




Blooming Bloomy indeed, and that's it for 2023. Hoping 2024 is better.

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7 hours ago, mojo said:

I have no idea.

Nothing really comes up for this, something on December 16, 1991. Guessing live concert shoot of something?


love the alligator costume coming out of a banana peal! 


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9 hours ago, mojo said:



Anyway, these are of Narimasu Station. Not sure what they are for, maintenance perhaps?


Usually associated with construction work, so heavy machinery can be moved around the station area. Most likely for the installation of platform-edge doors.

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Some classic Super Sentai tunes.




Many Hard Offs are having new year sales. This one has 10% off everything.




Look at this amazing house. It's about a century beyond what we build in the UK.



Edited by mojo
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These look better viewed on my phone. My laptop screen isn't great, might look better when I get home, but I think a HDR display would really help. My ones at home are SDR, although I do calibrate them.

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bikkuri bahn

Can anyone read this? At Ochanomizu.

Very faded, but warning for high voltage, presumably referring to the cables below the sign.

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bikkuri bahn
4 hours ago, mojo said:


Tsukimino Station has a very strong Tokyu Dentetsu vibe to it, very “suburbany”, very much “Mom, Dad, big sis and the family dog with 3 bdr. stand-alone home a seven minute walk past the ekimae super and the cleaners”.  I often took pictures of the now gone 8500 series at another place up the DenenToshi line at the similarly named Tsukishino Station (the character “no” means field or flat place).  Tokyu (and other private railways) also likes to add the character “dai” to station names, referring to the elevated location of its housing estates (higher elevation places indicating prestige and such). 


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