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Japanese book cases for foreign rolling stock?


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I run a temporary layout, so everytime I want to run my trains they need to be taken out of their packages and put on the track. This has been common in Japan for a long time resulting in the popularity of the book style case - it makes it much easier to pack and unpack the cars then with individual jewel cases. At the moment my Canadian Pacific freight train is up around 40 cars, which means 40 jewel cases needed to be shuffled around, opened, unpacked, stored in order, and then repacked and closed.


Has anyone had any experience in using or making book style cases for non-Japanese rolling stock. I'm looking at the Casco E and F cases to store some of my rolling stock.





Most of my CP rolling stock consists of 40' boxcars, high density chemical cars ("beer can" short tank cars, about 30') and Great Lakes ore cars (about 25'). Any thoughts or suggestions?

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I use book cases for everything, and am partial to the KATO ones myself for all my rolling stock. I will admit however I had a bunch of cement cars and just couldn't get them to work with the case. Odd sizing I suppose. Luckily I had an old snap close three ring case used for storing 35mm slides in sleeves. It's pretty air tight. I sued one of these and just used foam, cut to fit the cars and used it. This worked pretty well.

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