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Looking at his other videos, I would say the crossing was scratch built, including the electronics for it. Notice the lit arrows that indicate the direction the train is coming from and the vertical orientation of the flashers.

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Looking at his other videos, I would say the crossing was scratch built, including the electronics for it. Notice the lit arrows that indicate the direction the train is coming from and the vertical orientation of the flashers.


Not with my eyesight, I hadn't noticed.

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That is pretty neat. I'd be happy if I could get an automate station chime to play when I start my trains to depart, but since there isn't an app for that for my iPod Touch, I suppose it's not really that important to have.

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I know its not automated, but why don't you just have them in a playlist?, it would just be one touch to play it (I'm thinking of doing that with mine



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