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Japan (definitely not) opening to tourism in April 2021 on a trial basis


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The current plan is to start to open up in April 2021 to tourism.  At least on a trial basis. You will have to show proof of a negative test before coming and it appears get a new test when you get there and use a government app to update your condition.  And some other stuff.





Edited by railsquid
update thread title to avoid raising false hopes...
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I’m finally starting to get my travel juices back. Many decades of travel around the world finally got me a bit tired of travel, but still some places to see and of course do need to get back to japan and ride some trains, nosh out, and take in more sites.



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Tony Galiani

I'm ready to go!  Not sure how things will develop but I am hopeful for the Spring.  We shall see but in the meantime I have been researching places to go and my list is getting longer and longer!


Tony Galiani

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I don't think we'll be going during the trial period, the requirement to take out private health care if anything goes wrong is too much of a deal breaker, I can probably afford it, but I'd definitely rather not risk needing to have access to an unspecified amount of money on short notice if something went wrong.  

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Given the way these kinds of dates get putatively announced then get rolled over by the developing situation, I suspect any relaxation will  initially be very focussed on getting at least a minimal range of very controlled international bums on seats at the Olympics, and with priority given to those countries who have things reasonably under control.


29 minutes ago, TimWay4 said:

I don't think we'll be going during the trial period, the requirement to take out private health care if anything goes wrong is too much of a deal breaker, I can probably afford it, but I'd definitely rather not risk needing to have access to an unspecified amount of money on short notice if something went wrong.  


Emirates seem quite keen to help: https://www.emirates.com/us/english/help/covid-19/free-covid-19-cover/

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1 hour ago, railsquid said:

Given the way these kinds of dates get putatively announced then get rolled over by the developing situation, I suspect any relaxation will  initially be very focussed on getting at least a minimal range of very controlled international bums on seats at the Olympics, and with priority given to those countries who have things reasonably under control.



Emirates seem quite keen to help: https://www.emirates.com/us/english/help/covid-19/free-covid-19-cover/

That is very useful information to know, thanks for that railsquid

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I have booked to visit at the end of June 2021. I assumed that Japan would have to open up in advance of the Olympics. If visits are still restricted then I will have to cancel. It is all refundable.

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Had to cancel the May 2020 planned trip to introduce my 3 year old to his Ojiichan's family.


Now aiming for November 2021, but won't actually look to book anything until at least next summer.

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A friend of mine decided to relocate far away, to the Réunion island, and told me he had only paid 250€ for his one-way ticket in March. Which is about half the normal price and made me wonder how much it would cost to go to Japan in March. Returns are being sold at about 550$/450€ for a Berlin-Tokyo. All refundable and flexible. Now if that pandemic could disappear and the country could reopen to foreign travelers...

Edited by disturbman
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Every airline I've ever flown with is begging me to lend them cash at flexible terms with the prospect it can eventually be converted into an actual flight...


I suspect there'll be a carefully orchestrated minor influx of Olympics spectators with their own special buses, and a cautious opening up to countries with situations under control later in 2021. Before that we have a looooong tedious winter to get through (cases on the rise at the moment, and the government has finally decided it's not such a good idea to subsidize people to Go To places) and an even longer period of vaccine distribution (my elderly somewhat at-risk parents in the "first of the approval blocks" UK reckon they'll get to the front of the queue in May or June), no idea where Japan will be in that respect (though when it does kick into gear, the distribution will be mercilessly efficient).

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I am currently planning/hoping to travel to Japan late in the Spring.  Of course, I have consistently underestimated the severity of the situation so may be wrong again - but at some point, I am thinking I will finally get it right!

Talking to friends on the medical side has made me cautiously optimistic that the vaccine for my age group will be available in the next 3 or 4 months.  So I am looking at one trip to Japan as well as summer and Christmas trips to Germany.  I have quite a few airline credits and our dog and cat sitter is eager to be back to take care of the pack while we travel so hope springs eternal!


Tony Galiani 

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6 hours ago, railsquid said:

My elderly somewhat at-risk parents in the "first of the approval blocks" UK reckon they'll get to the front of the queue in May or June.

I would have guessed earlier. IIRC, the UK have over pre-ordered the vaccines and the start of the vaccination campaign seemed quite positive. I was expecting the general population to start being vaccinated by end of spring/early summer. Germany said they were planning to vaccinate 11 million people by Q1 end.

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I think frequency of new community tranfers will dictate whom Japan lets in moreso than vaccines. Vaccines reduce the rates of transfer. But like herd immunity, you will need the same percentage of the population to create the same protection.


USA for example with their large i dont care attitude and high transfer case numbers will be one of the last to get in. NZ with zero cases for months will be one of the first in.

Edited by katoftw
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Good point and something I have been wondering about.  Some of the airline sites I read are talking about vaccine passports - suggesting countries might be open to those who can prove they have had the vaccine.  Not sure if this will happen but hoping for it.  I know when I did some volunteer work in South America I needed to bring documentation for yellow fever vaccine so this is not new.

Right now we cannot travel from the USA to visit friends and family in Europe.  We could go to Canada (as my wife is a citizen) but would have to quarantine for 14 days so not so keen on that.  Being so close to Tim Horton's but so far ....

Not sure the common disdain for vaccines in the USA will go away anytime soon sadly.  Still - I will hold up hope to travel this year.  Meanwhile, I am glad to be able to watch all those NHK English language shows about trains and travel in Japan.


Tony Galiani


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On 12/19/2020 at 1:46 AM, disturbman said:

I would have guessed earlier. IIRC, the UK have over pre-ordered the vaccines and the start of the vaccination campaign seemed quite positive.


The information is from their local GP practice.


Let's put it like this: the UK government is very good at "world-beating" headline-grabbing announcements.

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Yeah i am also sitting on the thought of pre-buying the tickets first, since there are promises of free cancellation and flight amendments... It would also seem to be a good idea to 'lock in' the tickets costs since i assume the costs of tickets will go up once all overseas travel restrictions are lifted? 


I'm looking at Autumn 2021, which means end October and i have like 10 months to go... Am thinking of bitting the bullet and hanging on to hope of revisiting Japan hopefully the situation gets better after the New Year.... 

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@JR 500系, go for it. It's a good idea. Living in Europe, and seeing the news coming out of the UK and SA, I'll hold on on giving an airline money until I'm sure it will survive. I don't really expect the EU3 to collapse but things have been upended again in this part of the world.

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The new variant is spreading. It was detected in Canada today in persons with no known travel history, exposure or high-risk contacts.   https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-confirms-first-cases-covid19-uk-variant-1.5855361

I think nothing is happening before the fall. By then large numbers will be vaccined and we will know if this is the answer.    But that would either be last minute travel or put off until 2022.


Edited by bill937ca
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That is happening all over.  We are finding UK and USA strains in Australia for the past two months.  The guess would be from returned travelers, and somehow it is getting outside of the quarantine processes put in place.

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