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I thought I'd just share it with you guys.


Tonight I went to my usual bi-weekly drinking evening with Japanese exchange students in Bonn (Germany) and had a conversation with a guy I knew since he came here. At some point we were filling him up and started talking about his parent's birthplace. He wondered why I knew the towns and the railway lines that connected them. I answered then that I knew them through foaming and a unhealthy interest in Japanese railways. Then he claimed to be interested as well and owning over five-hundred model trains. That was enough to get the otaku-ball rolling.


You can guess the following conversation, but it just went from foam to foam, anorak to anorak. He's interested in local lines and 3rd sector operations and I am. Are we gonna have a ball together! Finally someone to share my hobby interests with!


In his alcoholic surge he said he was going to Japan in March and was getting bitching cheap models for me. We'll see about that, but it's still a great person to whom I can teach a lot about European railways and vice verca about Japanese railways.


An ever greater era is starting in my life!


Did anyone have had similar experiences regarding this content?


P.s. this was written under circumstances with a half bottle of wine and two liters of Paulaner Dunkel Weizen in the embodiment of yours truly. Revisions may occur later on. Thank you.

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Sounds like you've had one hell of an evening. Never had anything even remotely like that kind of experience, so lucky you indeed!

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Hi Tony,

the post title is right, in Italy we says "che culo!!!"

and a huge collector, over 500 trains, (but I'm not so far).

They are 2 guys that I know on Ebay that now help me for Japan auction and more, another 2 italian guys that work for italian companies in Japan but aren't train collector so they can't help me to much.

Let us know the developments of this friendship


for Shashinka, I can't replace my trains with Ayumi but maybe with Hitomi Tanaka......I can add 1 lt of blood


(clic only if you are over 18/21 and if your heart is OK  :grin  don't worry is not hard website)




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Hahaha, I can't believe I wrote in such a correct manner when I made this topic. I was quite drunk at that time.


Yeah, I'll keep you up to date with the progress and future trips to museums and stuff. I hope my gf tolerates my coming behaviour. Maybe I'll be able to 'convert' her as well. >:3

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