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JRM Website Article Updates


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So we have a number of layout and modeling articles up on our club website. Ill keep updating here when new stuff comes along.


if you are interested in writing up your layout, a product review or modeling technique shoot me a PM, always looking for good content!





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Happy to do it.  if I ever get myself focused on my next project, I will do another one.  I certainly appreciate the web site - I have read most of the articles and the inspiration helped me with both Chihiro Tetsudo and Chihiro Horikawa.



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Tony, glad to hear that and nice you were able to pass it on! That’s what my Hope was for collecting articles on the site. We have lots of great stuff here on the forum but it can get buried and disjointed some in conversation format here so a place to archive the content in a bit more of a direct presentation that lets folks kind of sum it all up.


thanks again for writing it up!


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Two now great articles added, both from JNS members!


Japanese Dreams - Paul recounts the history of his layouts for the last few years! quite a succession of layouts documented!


Yūrakuchō - Modelling Central Tokyo - Joe outlines all of his various amazing scratch building directions he has been doing on his new layout.


thanks to them both for all the great work and nice to create landing pages on the JNS site to access various bits on JNS forum.







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Yeah between Paul's amazing productivity and Joe's awesome scratch building these articles sort of cover it all!


thanks again guys for the great entry articles for folks!




PS if anyone is interested in wrting something up for the JRM site please pm me, always looking for stuff as we get a good flow thru the site. summary articles are great as they help bring together a lot of of stuff that can get buried on the forum and let new folks get introduced to something and then linked into the deeper content on the forum. also just helps both sites ser with cross linking good content to each other (how ser validation should work!)

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Thanks for the update Jeff. I've always enjoyed your club's site. Lots of great info there. I blame that site for getting me interested in B Train Shorties!


Cheers eh,



Edited by tossedman
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