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JR 500系

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Awesome sauce! Looks like it could almost fit in n scale, but I bet there is a smaller OLED board. lipo could be one of the longer flat wafers. Also charging circuit from track power (wasnt clear if they were using track power to recharge the lipo.)

Years ago I saw some at a trade show that were small enough to fit well within the top of keyboard keys and pretty small control panel buttons. I remember one Had all the circuity and memory on the back onthe oled chip and it was like 1/4} thick and like 5/8” square. Blew my mind connection was a simple serial to load a new graphic on the fly and power connection. The idea was you could reconfigure on the fly a whole set of control panel buttons that needed to be separate and not larger touch screen.




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For N you could probably use a larger unit (looking at a random 189 series there might be space for something ca. 12mm x 10mm, if something like that's available), and only use the part of it actually visible through the "aperture", if you see what I mean. Could maybe use a MicroSD card as a data source.

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Actually data is so small it could probably be loaded onto most of the micro adurino and other processor units out there.simple program likemthis one to the onboard memory. Brave new world!



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Just watched this one. I was surprised it used a battery rather than charging capacitors off the track power. The guy is obviously skilled enough. I wonder why it was done this way. Still amazing to watch. 

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