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Board changes thread...

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Darren Jeffries

Ok, so when I started the board up with Bernard, we had several different catagories going... On the request of one or two members we threw the question out there "should we combine the boards into 2 or three generic boards".

For the most part most people didn't really care either way. We have now had the board this way for the last couple of months.

Our question is now this... is it working? Is this really the easiest way to have the board laid out or would it make it easier for you to find that post on Bernards layout if there was a seperate layout progress board? (just an example).


Please let us know what you think. This board is about it's members and what they want. It's up to you.



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Last time I voted "don't care", but I'm finding that I have a weak preference for more categories rather than fewer. That said, I'm not sure of the best way to carve this forum at its joints... I do know that most of the DCC discussion—and all of it good discussion—has taken place in just two threads, which have become something of a rambling, overlapping mess :(

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Martijn Meerts

I think for now it still works fine. There's not so many topics being posted yet that they need to be subdivided.


Eventually, you could think about seperate sections for different brands, or a section specifically for members to post about their layout and progress, maybe a section dedicated to digital, etc. But for now I don't think that's needed really.

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I have no experience with the older version; this one works just fine for me. The volume of posts is not enough to justify subdividing it further, in my opinion.

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I agree - I woud probably opt for less rather than more subdivision.

I recently tried to start a thread and opened it up in the wrong category and it got moved. I  Not a complaint but rather a comment on my confusion with what is the right category for a given topic.

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