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Kato 90 degree crossings


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Hi All,

I am exploring the possibility of having a branch line cross my double track mainline at a couple of spots on the layout. I have to use the Kato N Scale 90 degree crossing track pieces connected to each other for this. The branch line is single track. Here is an example picture of what I am exploring.


I can feed power from all 6 directions but I think I will need to add feeders to the unijoiners that join the 2 actual crossing track pieces. Am I correct? Without this, I am guessing that the train on the branch line won't have power where the 2 crossing track pieces join.

Thanks for any suggestions.


90 degree crossing track.JPG

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Yep you will need to feed the little section if you want it live. Of course most trains should be able to pick up power from the other truck while one is in that section, but adding feeders there would help and issues with contact, dirty rails, traction tires, etic.



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