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All my trains are gone!

Martijn Meerts

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Martijn Meerts



Just loaded them all into a big container to be shipped from Norway to The Netherlands =)


The people from the moving company weren't very careful, even with boxes that said "fragile".. Then again, they didn't actually read any of the labels on the boxes... There's something about seeing them throw around a box with a home theater receiver worth 2500 dollars in it.


Anyway, will have to see when it arrives in The Netherlands, and when I can start picking everything up. Hopefully it won't take too long.


Sure been some long days the past 3-4 days though, lots of packing and stress, and little sleep.. And since I won't be leaving for The Netherlands until tomorrow, I guess I won't be sleeping much tonight either (no bed, no blankets etc. =))

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Whew!!! Marti - When I first read the title I thought that they were stolen or a fire at your residence.

They should be fine if you packed them well. I once got a train from a seller in China that came wrapped in only a paper bag with tape and it arrived fine.

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Martijn Meerts

I guess most things will arrive perfectly fine, still scary seeing them throw with your expensive things though ;)


I did get my stuff insured though, so should something break during transport, I'll get compensation for it.

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That's a shocking title! Don't scare people like that again! >:P Anyway, I hope they'll arrive in the same condition again back home.


To what city are you moving? Maybe you're interested in resurrecting the J-module system and set up a small club of J-modulers in the Netherlands and Germany? There is quite some potential in the area IIRC.

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I agree, don't scare us like that Marti. ;)


Move are allways exhausting but I do really enjoy setling down. Finding new ways to put your things and life back together.

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Martijn Meerts

That's a shocking title! Don't scare people like that again! >:P Anyway, I hope they'll arrive in the same condition again back home.


To what city are you moving? Maybe you're interested in resurrecting the J-module system and set up a small club of J-modulers in the Netherlands and Germany? There is quite some potential in the area IIRC.


I'm moving back in with my parents in Venlo for now, so, close to Germany. I wouldn't mind looking into the J-Module thing, as long as there's enough flexibility and a DCC version of specs/guidelines ;)




Oh, and the title was meant to be shocking =)

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Darren Jeffries

Oh dear, you got me good with that one Marti!!!!


I have my fingers crossed for you that your stuff will all arrive in one piece the other end.

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I'm moving back in with my parents in Venlo for now, so, close to Germany. I wouldn't mind looking into the J-Module thing, as long as there's enough flexibility and a DCC version of specs/guidelines ;)


Ah, I pass through there from time to time. Maybe we could organise a local JNS meet sometime.


J-module is DC operated, so that's a no... Here you can download the official standards: http://www.xs4all.nl/~raicho/layouts/jmodule/standards.html

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Martijn Meerts
I'm moving back in with my parents in Venlo for now, so, close to Germany. I wouldn't mind looking into the J-Module thing, as long as there's enough flexibility and a DCC version of specs/guidelines ;)


Ah, I pass through there from time to time. Maybe we could organise a local JNS meet sometime.


J-module is DC operated, so that's a no... Here you can download the official standards: http://www.xs4all.nl/~raicho/layouts/jmodule/standards.html


We'd just have to come up with a "J-Module Digital" or something. My main problem is that after having running digital for so long, going back to analogue is no option =)

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Oh dear, you got me good with that one Marti!!!!


I have my fingers crossed for you that your stuff will all arrive in one piece the other end.


I dont trust movers as far as I could throw them.

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Hey martijn~


Quite a surprise to stumble upon you again! Not sure if you remember, but I emailed you a couple times back in February of this year about your DeAgostini C62 model and translating some of the material that came with. How's that's coming along? :)



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Martijn Meerts

Oh dear, you got me good with that one Marti!!!!


I have my fingers crossed for you that your stuff will all arrive in one piece the other end.


I dont trust movers as far as I could throw them.


Me neither, but it was the only reasonable option considering the amount I had to transport.. Luckily everything's insured though ;)






Hey martijn~


Quite a surprise to stumble upon you again! Not sure if you remember, but I emailed you a couple times back in February of this year about your DeAgostini C62 model and translating some of the material that came with. How's that's coming along? :)




Still haven't started building it yet (although, that's not because of the instructions being in Japanese ;)), however, the last 7-8 boxes of the kit should be waiting for me in The Netherlands. So, after almost 2 years I finally have all the parts =)


I also bought a printer/scanner not long ago, so I can actually scan the pages without having to rely on borrowing a scanner from someone. I intend to scan all pages at some point. Should be interesting, there's probably somewhere around 2500-3000 of them in total...

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Should be interesting, there's probably somewhere around 2500-3000 of them in total...


Yikes... I just might buy the 100 volumes off yahoo auctions to spare you scanning all those pages... apparently its only going for 5000 yen...




Would you like me to look into purchasing? ^^;;



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Martijn Meerts

My scanner is pretty fast, and it'd be nice to have a digital copy anyway ;)


Also, those volumes aren't really worth buying if you don't have the kit, or if you don't really like Japanese steamers ;)

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Looking forward to the scans~~  :cheesy


I love steamers, Japanese and otherwise :grin, and I even saw the entire kit (partially built, plus rest of pieces, plus display case) on yahoo auctions on sale as well, tho im sure shipping costs would be frightening... :sad: that and i think it would arrive in many more pieces than originally intended... <_<;;

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Martijn Meerts

The thing is big and heavy once completed.. Shipping would indeed be painfully expensive, and so would the rest of the kit probably ;)


I paid a lot for it in the end, but luckily I paid it over a period of 2 years. However, seeing the insane amount of parts and the high quality of those parts, I feel it's been worth it. Especially considering I love building kits with a large number of parts =)


Hopefully I'll be able to start scanning soon. My things are still on the way from Norway to The Netherlands, and there's still things I need to do at my new home before I can start setting up my desk and computer stuff. I should be able to start picking up my things sometime next week with a bit of luck.

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Hey Martijn,

Will the space that you are going to have in the Netherlands be bigger than the space in Norway?


Also, I wish you are my neighbour after hearing that you love building kits with multiparts!


I hope this moving business is done for now.  Can't wait to see your Tokyo Station comes to life!

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Martijn Meerts

Yeah, much more space here. While my bedroom is actually quite a bit smaller, I have now access to a hobbyroom (where my father's current layout is, and where we'll be building a new one), as well as a fairly large attic which should be able to fit the shortened version of Tokyo Station an a permanent basis, as well as the full-length version for testing.

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Martijn Meerts

Dont scare us like that again mate. I was sure from the subject heading that you had been robbed.


I guess they'd steal other stuff before stealing my trains (my hi-fi equipment and such is much more interesting for burglars ;))



Anyways, it seems my things won't arrive until sometime next week, no clue why it's taking so long, but it's annoying ;)


On the other hand, I have plenty things I still need to do before I can store any of the stuff anyway.

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Martijn Meerts

It was loaded onto a container, together with stuff from 3 other people who were also moving from Norway to The Netherlands. It made things quite a bit cheaper, but I guess it also means it takes a while longer.

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