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Time for some stats....

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Darren Jeffries

Here are the top 10 posters as of right now:


Bill  243

Bernard  193

JNS Forum  133

CaptOblivious  107

martijn  67

DJR  36

acousticco  23

kashirigi  16

C62  13

alpineaustralia  11


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CaptO --- You have no life? I've out posted you ::)

Hey, I'm having a blast on the forum, there has been such great information shared by all and it's helped me to prevent a lot of mistakes on my layout. (and maybe even a fire or two)


There are many times at work when I need a diversion so I take a quick look at the forum and it's a nice escape. Plus do you think my wife wants to talk about trains with me? Believe me, she's happy about the forum too.

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Martijn Meerts

If only we'd spend all the time we spend on the forum on our trains in stead, we might actually have a layout ;)

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Nah, I can't work on my layout at work (not yet, anyway!) and money is my major bottleneck, rather than time...A $10 bottle of static grass is considered a major purchase...

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Im a little like Bernard. I sort sneek a peek at the forum for small diversions from work. All my work colleagues think I'm a complete geek but I dont care - I love sharing ideas with you guys. Without your posts on how you intsalled DCC, I would have stuck with plug 'n play models (which with Kato means only about 2 or 3 Shinkansen and no Tomix stuff at all).

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Martijn--What is really neat is that when you do get to spend time on your layout I get more of a satifaction from the feedback from the members here than I would from family or friends, because basically we can appreciate each other work.


Plus looking at photos of what other members have accomplished either gives me ideas for my layout or shows me a way to create something I never thought was possible. It's been a win-win situation any way I look at it. 

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Martijn Meerts

Bernard, I know, it was really just a joke ;)


I have to say, I often get jealous when looking at other people's pictures, not because it looks good, but because they have time and space to work on their layouts/modules...


Here's to hoping it'll get better, although the upcoming week will be overtime every day ;)

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Martijn, doesn't it stink that work can sometimes get in the way of our hobbies.  ;D

I myself just came off of 9 months under a deadline with the last 10 weeks really intense. (I've been able to take 2 weeks off but next week I go onto another project.)

What gave me a break was sneaking looks at the forum. Other people I work with have no interest in trains so the forum gives me people to discuss things with.


I hope things ease up for you and you can get to work on your layout. BUT take a look at the post on my layout, I need opinions & suggestions.

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