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Do you comment or rate Youtube videos, why or why not.


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Im curious if people rate or comment on Youtube videos or not. If a friend sends you a link to a video that you enjoy would you rate it. Usually if I like a video I'll rate it and  comment on it as well, if is unique or something.

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I rate videos on a very subjective basis.  If it has sound, an in-focus image and doesn't waste my time getting to the action its 5 stars.  I like growling gears,  thumping compressors, clattering through switches and at stations arrival songs, announcements and departure songs.  I rarely lowly rate a video.  Most annoying is fire hosing (waving the camera from side to side) during a pan.

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I rate and comment. Rating happens regularly when I think the video deserves it (I only rate 1 or 5, nothing in between) and commenting happens only when I know my comment doesn't spark a shitstorm and/or is commented by the author. The latter is only with music videos or RR videos.

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I sometimes rate videos if I particularly like them and always 4* or 5*.  I don't like to give less as even if I don't like it, someone has gone to the effort of creating it and posting it for our enjoyment and I think it's a bit hard hearted to tell them it's rubbish! If I don't like it, I don't rate it. I have voted some comments up or down.



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