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Need help for purchase from Popondetta...

Buck Heard

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Could someone here who has purchased from Popondetta please help me with an order I would like to place.  I need the following Kato locomotives and they seem to be the only ones with stock. 


176-7041 N GE AC4400CW CSX "Bright Future"

Low NB, Beveled Cab 18

176-7042 N GE AC4400CW CSX "Bright Future"

Low NB, Beveled Cab


Can someone help me and see if they in fact do have them and what it would cost me to purchase and ship via EMS?  I'd really appreciate it!  Thanks!

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Copy and paste the following email to tu-han@popondetta.com


"Dear Popondetta


Can I please order the following:




AC44 CSX BF #18


ポポンデッタ 秋葉原店

\11,340 \ 11,340



AC44 CSX BF #37


ポポンデッタ 秋葉原店

\11,340 \ 11,340



My shipping address is:


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Do they usually get right back with you?  It's been a few days with nothing from them.


Did you use a gmail account, if so try a different email provider like hotmail.

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Here is an email I received from Popondetta when I attempted to inquire about the availability of a product.  Please note that now, when I order from them, I "follow the steps".


Thank you for visiting at Popondetta. We are pleased to hear from you. As

for the following item you are looking for, we are afraid there is no



KATO 10-229 KIHA 82 6 Car Set


Next time you would like to shop at our online shop, please follow the



* When you look for something, please visit our web site and search the

item you are looking for first. Please do not send us your own list like

you did  this time. You can use our date bank if you need a help.



* If you are trouble with Japanese, please visit a translation site that

helps you.


* If you find the item and are ready to order, please copy and paste the

both item codes, name, retail price and our price in the mail form.



  NK10-255 10-255 101            15225 12180

  NK10-256 10-256 101            9870 7896


If there is the information for used items we provide such as condition,

please copy and paste as well.



  KES489 10-449 165        3    9450 4250 1 B B A


  KES490 10-448 165        3    9450 4250 2 B B A



* Then let us know the amount you need.


* We keep the available items for a month from the date when you place

a first order. Please make a payment and let us send them until it's



* Please do not make your own list or translate from Japanese to English.

Because when we receive orders from international customers, Japanese

staff who don't understand English pick up the items you need. Please do

not make them confused. Then it takes them more time to figure out what

you need and write you back.


* We would like you to understand that there is only one English speaker

in this whole company. Therefore it will be late to write you back

sometimes. We are sorry for the inconvenience in advance.


If it's okay with you, we can help you obtain what you need.


Regarding the shipping, we can send to your country by post. There are

two ways; EMS (Express Mail International Service) or sea mail.


Just in case we would like to inform you that we only accept credit



After we estimate both shipping fees, please choose one from them. We

will send you the URL for the credit payment. So that you don't have to

tell us your credit card information.


If there is any further question, please feel free to ask us. Thank you

again for visiting at Popondetta. We look forward to hearing from you



Best regards,


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