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Query : Using foamcore for scenery formers

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Hi All,


I've been modelling for years, and have always loathed creating scenery formers and raised even though I love it.

Now I'm modelling Japanese railways the nature of shinkansen lines means I really have (and want) have an elevated section.  I

have some viaduct track, which is fine, but I also want some of that on embankments.


Now to cut a long story short.  has anyone used foamcore for this?  both as trackbed or subroadbed?  I've been using it recently building

the sets for our stop motion business and I can whip up stuff really quick with a sharp knife and a hot glue gun.  I figure that while this

may be fairly week initially, but the time you paint and get it covered in scenics it'll be quite resilient.  Its also cheap and easy to form.


So any advice would be appreciated, I think I'm going to try anyway and I'll post the pictures and results as I get to stuff (I might get to the

railway room once in a while now!, our latest film wrapped shooting at 3am this morning :)





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I've done this for my layout Shogatsu. It works really well, and as you say is very easy and quick to assemble. But, it makes for very loud trains! The space under the foamcore makes a nice resonating chamber which will amplify the running sounds of your trains. I imagine that you could fix this by using a cork roadbed between the track and the foamcore scenery, and by filling in any hollows with something solid-ish (expanded foam, for instance).

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I had wondered about that, but I think I'm going to try anyway, I wonder if you  could fill the space with the expanding foam?

(although I'd need to ventilate the room for a while and use a respirator, or even styrene beads.


hopefully I'll get to some of it soon, I've got things setup temporarily for fun so I can run some trains!  I've not taken my new N700 out of the box yet!



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