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Got some goodies today


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Man was I happy when I got home today, the mailman left me a few items. The first item was a Kato Double Crossover. The second goodie was a Tomix Dr. Yellow 4 car add-on set, I was grinning chin to chin when I opened that box lol. Below are some photos of my goodies. I think I may have to partially change my allegiance to Tomix from Kato, I'm really liking their storage boxes.





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Nice pick up. I'm curious how you like the double crossover, I'm thinking of purchasing one.


Thanks Bernard, I havent tried out the Double Crossover as of yet I literally just got it. Personally I think a Double Crossover is an essential part of any Unitrack layout.

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Very nice! I like the Tomix boxes a lot too; I especially like how the contents are labeled on an insert, so you can easily repurpose the box and have it correctly labeled, or just make your own fancy labels.

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