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New TCS decoders!


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Why should you care? These decoders should fit Kato's line of electric locos, e.g., EF66, EF65, EF81, etc. They include 8 functions (!), and although they are offered with LEDs in various configurations, none seem right for most 20m(ish) locos. So you'll still have to adjust the LED length, as with Digitrax's offerings. These decoders should also have RailCom support, for those who care about that kind of thing.


Anyway, it means that you now have an option beyond the Digitrax DN163K0a for converting your Kato locos.

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I have a Kato EF210 and it looks like it would fit into that train.

Don - Do you plan to try one out in the future?


It should fit just about every EL Kato does :D


My projects progress slowly, but since I'm interested in RailCom, I'll likely be getting one of these soon :D

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