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Netherlands- working timetable to use 6 second increments

bikkuri bahn

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bikkuri bahn

In order to squeeze more capacity out of the railway network, infrastructure operator ProRail will begin to use a 6 second increment working timetable from the 2020 timetable revision, down from one minute timepoints. As many here know, this has long been a common practice among Japanese railways, though 6 seconds is very ambitious (depending on the railway or service, it typically ranges from 5 to 15 seconds in Japan).



This year ProRail has used a new planning system. It allows ProRail to use the rail network even more efficiently. The new system allows ProRail to plan in time-blocks of just six seconds. These blocks are ten times smaller than before. In past years, ProRail planned its timetable in one-minute blocks. One major advantage of this is that ProRail has found some extra capacity on its tracks.

The 2020 timetable features some substantial changes. For example, there will be a greater number of trains between Zandvoort and Haarlem, and between Eindhoven and Dordrecht. The number of intercity trains between Amersfoort and Utrecht will also increase from four to six.




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