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Several months ago I began building a train layout focused on simply running a couple of trains at a time. Since my layout space is small I have chosen to use R243 and R280 curves. What were originally sidings and a goods shed is now my version of the Freight Railway Museum, which allows steam engines and current trains on the same layout.  In the middle of the layout there is a R140 tram oval. Some of the ballasting is done, some overhead masts are in but there is much more to do. I was running a Meitetsu 5500 today.


At one time earlier this winter the layout was little more generic in tone and was named Avondale. But since then I've decided to go all the Japanese model items I've collected over the years.



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Gradually the glue containers are coming off the layout as more of it is completed.  

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A close up of my Tomytec row with the various details.



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One of my intentions when I set up the layout was to run steam occasionally. Even with R243 and R280 radius track I can do this.  My small radius steamers are Kato products and their minimum radius per Hobby Search


C12.......R150 (can do R140)   https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10315912

C56.......R183 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10188961

C11.......R216 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10427001


For freight cars I run 2 axle-wagons . My passenger cars are older brown JNR coaches.

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Added a small housing cluster at the lower back of the layout. Still need one more house and maybe a few more trees.

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It is a holiday weekend here. So nowhere to go and lots of time to work on the layout. Second photo is my JR East E655 on my layout.

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More photos of the housing cluster I added.  Fences are Greenmax 2166. To level the cluster with the Tomix Wide Tram it has a 3/16" balsa base which will be less visible as things move along. The roadway is the width of a small 150mm metal ruler.

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Nice infill development! 


do you see sculptamold in your craft stores? It’s great stuff, basically paper fiber with some binder, just add some water and you can use it to make transitions very easily and just paint and top with scenery materials. It’s white so you can add cheap acrylic craft paint or tempura paints of tempura powder and then the scuptamold is all like brown so no painting needed.



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It looks like sculptamold is out. The local supplier has a very large order requirement and only sells in bulk package. MY LHS was trying to figure out how they could break it up into smaller  units.  I was the fourth person asking about it in April. 


I noticed a WS Foam Putty container at the LHS. Once I have money again I will buy that.   As the base of the layout is WS foam sheets over a previous layout attempt this should work.  By the way the WS foam is at least ten years old and still great.

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I am starting on a Yokocho, or eating and drinking street for inside the tram loop. Collecting together my Tomytec bars and cafes and creating a narrow little street. Hope to add some red paper or vinyl lanterns, ramen shop banners, stacks of red Sapporo or yellow Kirin beer crates and  other details.  Figures will come later like all my scenes.

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Bummer! It’s great stuff for bits like you need. Cheap and easy, light weight and easy to tear up if you want to change.


did you try all the craft places? Here it’s mostly sold in craft shops in little bags about a 3-4 liter size for like $10 or less. Too bad shipping would be more than the sculptamold to mail some up to you.


lhs could just put it in big zip lock freezer baggies. That would be sturdier than the bags it’s sold in here with just a ring of tape to seal it! Maybe a new business for you! I now have a picture of you selling big baggies of sculptamold on the street corner and the cops asking what’s the white stuff in the baggies?! 



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The only craft place I can think of is Michael's up by the mall.  I don't usually get up there too  much. I may try the arts supply / stationary store, but as they are almost beside the LHS I  don't think they would have duplicate stock.

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Michael’s might give them a ring. They ave a small bit of that sort of stuff. The main ones here in the ne for craft stuff like that is ac moore, joann’s, and hobby lobby. Might look in the phone book or web to see if the odd craft store is tucked away somewhere.


michels down here tend to have the same stock for hobby stuff. Small smattering of plastic models, little bit of scenery materials for school dioramas, small testors paint rack, small selection of balsa, and the usual assortment of basic tools and blades. Michael’s website does not show they have it. Might email amaco.com and see if they know of any local shops for you.


really is nice stuff for what you need. One bag will do you for a long time! So much easier and less messy than other type of materials for the small stuff.



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One of the smaller trains in my fleet.  A Greenmax Tokyu Ikegami line 1000 set.

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Another rainy day here. After watching a Japanology Plus episode on  Bathhouses I  decided to dig out my Tomytec Sento and add it to  the layout. This is Showa Era type of Sento that is common in Tokyo while outside Tokyo Sentos are less like temples or shrines in architecture.  Tonight or tomorrow I will add a vending  machine to the entrance and post a new photo.


For anyone interested this is the Sento featured in the Japanology Plus episode.





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  On 6/1/2019 at 8:28 PM, cteno4 said:

Michael’s might give them a ring. They ave a small bit of that sort of stuff. The main ones here in the ne for craft stuff like that is ac moore, joann’s, and hobby lobby. Might look in the phone book or web to see if the odd craft store is tucked away somewhere.




Problem is that none of these places are here. Michael's and the stationery/artist supply store are a lot for a city of 40,000.

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I've added a Tsugawa NA-5 police box into an odd space. The bicycle on the stand is part of the set.

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Trying out my Kato Keikyu 2100 series train tonight. As the cars are 18m instead of 20m, the 4 car train fits quite snugly into my six section Tomix 4060 station. A four car train of 18m cas is almost the perfect size for my small layout.

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A short video. I am slowly creating more scenes around the layout.



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A forgotten video of an early track plan.   A lot has changed since then. I went to a simpler track plan because I wanted to run more than one train at a time.



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I like how this layout is almost catered just for 4-car trains ~ perfect! Now all you need are some residents to populate your town ~  🙂

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