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Double tracking Kato single deck plate bridge


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Can Kato single deck plate bridges be parallel to one another to create a 124mm double track bridge? To clarify, I am talking about placing two Kato 20-462s side-by-side (with the walkways on the outside) connecting viaduct double track on each end. I understand there would be a gap between the bridges and there is only one S-joiner on each, but are there any other issues? 


I want to use 4 single deck bridges as shown in the attached picture. I like the look of the bridges and want to span a 248mm gap, but don't want to use the truss bridge in this case. I do not intend to support the span in the middle. I'll super glue and add a brace underneath.

Kato 2x single track plate bridge.JPG

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Are you sure kato doesn’t make a 248mm plate bridge?


 I wish I could give you a definite answer. But I only own one 186mm plate bridge. I think that two side by side would look just fine. End to end, I’m not so sure. I think you’re effectively talking about two bridges, one after the other, and I think it may look weird if you don’t make the central pillar into a feature. 

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Sheffie, Kato doesn't make a 248mm plate bridge. Only in 186 and 124, single or double track. I could changes things up and use a double track 186, but in this particular location, I like the look of the unballasted track and a more open bridge design.

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Alright, I took another look at my bridge, and it looks promising. The side plates seem to run the full length of the bridge, so putting one after another ought to look fine as far as the sides are concerned. 

But if you want it open plan... you’ll be able to see two supports back to back in the middle of your span. 

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I don't have those bridges, but I wonder if two bridges side by side might be too wide to line up the tracks properly. HS is not much help. Even if they are too wide you still configure the approach as two single tracks which makes the track center a moot point.  You still get your bridge effect.



Edited by bill937ca
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It is about 37mm wide. So if you’re using single track spacing you may need to make some kind of accommodation if you want two of them side by side

Edited by Sheffie
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Also re:no middle support, you can put the white bridge connector in upside down and they work without any other support to span longer distances.

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