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Painting realistic concrete viaducts and piers

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Do any of you paint your viaducts and piers to look more like real concrete beyond just spraying them with Dullcote? If so, any suggestions or recommendations? Or is this one of those things that is too much work for very little improvement in appearance?

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Dullcote is a lacquer-based matt clear varnish that comes in a spray can, made by Testors. It's very good.





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You can always spray them with a flat acrylic that is the color you want if just dulcoating the smooth plastic doesn’t do it for you. Flat acrylic I’ll give it a bit more surface texture. Using a cheaper craft acrylic with a cheapo air siphon airbrush will give you and even rougher texture effect. Bit of weathering as well may go along way even with just using a dull coat over the smooth plastic. Many times it’s jsut the totally uniform color that is throwing the mind’s eye off it not being concrete. Usually see areas that are more exposed as a little darkened and thenof course the vertical stain streaks from water and at times rust as well.



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