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Why no Twilight Express Mizukaze yet?


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  On 12/30/2018 at 1:06 AM, Atomsk said:

Are you talking about "7 Stars in Kyushu"?


That's not the same thing.



Nope. That's this year's special. Next year is the Twilight Express Mizukaze.

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Looking at HS's  piece on the new Tomix Mizukaze Twilight express, a couple of queries came up.

In the 'Set Content' list, one of the vehicles listed is a KiRa 86-1.

I thought that I knew most of the JR carriage classifications, but not 'Ra'.

What is this car?

As it's next to the dining car, is it a kitchen of buffet car?

And, in the 'Example of Organisation' piece, one car appears as a 'Carboxylate 86-1'

This sounds like some sort of chemical or drug.!

From its place in the listing, it's probably the dining car.

Ah, the joys of mechanical translation!





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Had a look at the JR Mizukaze web site, yes, Ra is the Lounge car, and your rendering of the Katakana looks pretty good.

Rounji could also work for the pronunciation, but not for Ra.





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  On 10/1/2019 at 1:08 AM, ben_issacs said:

Rounji could also work for the pronunciation, but not for Ra.


Sorry not sure what you mean here. As the Japanese alphabet is phonetic, often vowel sounds are made up differently to English whereby vowel sounds blend in many different ways. “ough” is a prime example of this in words like rough, through, bought, thorough.


So the word LOUNGE is made starting with a RA phonic in Japanese.


ラ (RA as in the word Radical)

ウ (U as in Uzi)

ン (N as at the end of Shin)

ジ (JI as in the word Jeep)

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What I meant was that to my mind, Ro would have given a slightly better version of the English pronunciation than Raunji does, but Raunji has been used, so we accept this.

'Raunji  could be 'range', such as a line of mountains or a cooking appliance.

Were there other Japanese trains with lounge cars, possibly 'Yume Kokan) (? spelling), sometimes used with the 'Hoku Tosei' set?





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Range would have probably have become Reinji.


Japanese pronunciation is constant, whereas english pronunciation is always changing.


This video explains a bit more about the inconsistencies of english pronunciation.



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On the subsidiary question of whether there were other lounge cars on JR, I  fished out my Yumekokan Hokutosei, set, and in the Yume portion there is a lounge car, carrying the name 'Crystal Lounge' above the windows.

But, the interesting thing with this car is that it carries the classification of OHaFu 25-901.

Note, 'Fu', this normally indicates a car with a guard's compartment which this car doesn't appear to have (it does have a piano, but that shouldn't make it a 'Fu'.)

the 'Fu' code appears both on the car model and in the descriptive leaflet.

Somewhat odd!





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As I understand it "Fu" is a vehicle with a compartment for an attendant, not necessarily the guard. Hence why you see multiple examples in a sleeper train, usually seems to be one -Fu to two conventional sleepers.


Maybe the attendant is playing the piano?

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A good point about Attendant instead of Guard, I have seen this rendered as 'Conductor' also.

Perhaps the Bar Attendant in the Lounge car also plays the Goanna.




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