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#11 xacto blades

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Usually end up every year or two buying a 100 pack of #11 xacto blades. just was getting low and happened to be in ac moore. they now stock 1oo packs at $32 (ok store price about the best is around $25 online), but with a 40 or 50% off coupon they have every week, its down to $16-19, so if you need some...





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Jeff - Thanks for the heads up on the xacto blades! Does AC Moore also have a discount on band-aides?  (it's in relationship to my band-aide to xacto blade ratio :grin)

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LOL, you dont have that permanent vertical callus on your thumb now?!


last two times i was fingerprinted (stop what you are thinking) they have looked at my fingers with suspect. first was done with the old ink with the police dept. for fbi screening for teaching high school. the guy rolled my prints twice then looked at my hands and asked what was up with some of the scars... second was the bureau of engraving (did some exhibit work with them and had to get insane secret service clearance to look/be around their stuff) where they did the whole hand scan thing. again 2x and questions.


turns out too many xacto and matte knife cuts, acid burns (grad school), welding and soldering iron burns, sanders oopes, taking off the end of my index finger with a framing hammer, etc have made enough permanent marks in the fingerprints that i dont make a good exemplar print!






ps bandaids, bandaids, we dont need no stinkin bandaids!

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just leafing through the last micro mark catalog i just saw they have 100 #11 blades for $13.50. not xacto, but i would expect of good quality as micromark rarely does crappo stuff. only rub is their shipping starts at $9, but not bad if you are buying something else there!





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