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CMR is makeing CRH HOscale models

Need for High Speed

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Need for High Speed

I recently heard that a model train manufacturer in China called CMR is producing some high speed trains CR400AF/BF and the CRH380a in HO SCALE!  Said to be released at the end of the year so is that Chinese year in the spring or in the middle of winter?  Has any one else heard this news yet? because it seems CMR is making the Beijing-Shanghai express trains.

I got to ride on the CRH380a my self in 2013 can't wait to run it with my other HO high speed trains its gonna look epic next to the JR500.


If they really are making the CRH380a I'll buy it in a heart beat and best yet so far it seems they are producing three Chinese high speed trains in my scale, HO.

But maybe someday some one will come out with a CRH2b/c they say its has an appearance of a dragon and I can claim I have a fire breathing train. lol

Edited by Need for High Speed
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Need for High Speed

proof this is a picture some one sent me from China of CMR new CR400AF  HO model

CMR CR400AF.jpg

Edited by Need for High Speed
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