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Best Shop to look for HO Coaches?


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Does anyone have a recommended online shop for coaches? Looking to build the Hokutosei in the near future.

I found the basic four car set on Model Train Plus and will be acquiring that soon, but still missing the rest of the train. Plaza Japan has some, but not all. Are there any other stores that carry a decent selection of HO?

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More specifically, this is what I'm looking for.


I've found almost everything I need for both the pre-2015 version and post-2015 version, but I have not been able to find the OHa 25. That, and if whatever store I get coaches from runs out of stock or I need more than they have, then where else should I look?


Ignore the manufacturer tag, I forgot to change it to an extension of notes. Oops

Edited by GDorsett
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I have no idea if Kato made that one or not, but everything else is Kato. Will do some digging.

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I cannot find an OHa 24 from Kato. May have to go with a Tomix for that.

(Or just be lazy and swap it for something visually similar)

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