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Looking for a lost layout


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Hi all,

I remember once seeing a photo online of a small layout, I believe it was some kind of promotional layout by Tomix. But I can't find it anywhere any more. I hope someone can help me out.
It was a small circular layout (40 x 60 cm?), set in a rural environment made with Tomix track (140 mm curves), with a single siding and short platform. In the middle a small farmhouse and some trees/bushes. Two railcars (KIHA 120?) ran on the layout.
Nothing spectacular, but I found it inspiring for a simple and small layout and would like to see it again. 

Edited by Jes
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I remember this one, and have a pic of it saved... on a PC I can’t access.  The oval was on a slight angle to the bench work, right?

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