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It's been a bad start to the year


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So a few months ago I posted a couple of threads of things I was going to try and do, small personal projects to kind of kick start my modelling skills. In January/February of this year I was made redundant after 8 years working for the same company, It wasn't too bad (and in the grand scheme of life worse things can happen), but I took it hard (i'd never been let go before) and basically shut off from everything. Thankfully I have friends at another company that were more than happy to take someone with my experience, So I joined them, I was working a lot and still taking the redundancy bad, so I still wasn't modelling and I wasn't going to my local train club. After two months I got a new job, which I'm at now, I'm back modelling and I've returned to my local train club.

(Hopefully) look forward to a thread later about my micro layout that I'm working on for my club's open day. I've got a few WIP shots of it to post. I'm also returning to Japan this year after a gap year last year. So after a rough (for me) start to the year, things are starting to look up. 

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Sorry to hear about the job... Please look on the bright side as now you have a new job and great friends, and a wonderful hobby to return to! 


Going back to Japan is always exciting too!

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Hi Tim,

we d no idea buddy,suffice to say it’s nice you re back in the fold and back to your modelling 👍👍😀

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It's OK, it's kind of weird in a strange way, I'm happy in my new job with new friends, but I'm also super rejuvenated for getting back into the modelling it's been a refreshing change.


I can't explain how excited I am to go back to Japan lol

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Well it lets us lose ourselves for a while I guess buddy.

as you re back at it check out the Jns world tour thread and also the Jns world tour discussion thread,let me know if you want to take part mate and I ll put you on the list.👍😀

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i know those career/job things can smack you hard, but you did the right thing getting into a new one that you like and havingnnew buddies at the new job is especially good. Whenever I had real jobs (ie not freelancing) I’ve always had good friends at the job and it always made it better for me. I have a few friends who refuse to make any friends at work just on principle and it always seemed odd to me as if you enjoy the job you should enjoy the people around you as well if you can.


i know that feeling for getting let go for nothing of your own doing. My career has come to a halt just due to the change innour culture. Bit maddening at first, but getting mad, upset, or depressed about it was not going to change the world that caused it, so I’ve learned to let it go and move on.


modeling and travel are great to get your head into fresh air and let go of the old ghosts. Hobbies are excellent stress relievers and distracters, gives you something fun to focus on and block out the noise of life and sort of let your subconscious have some time to gnaw on stuff (it’s our big huge background parallel processor looking for the needle in the hay stack solution to big complex life issues). Thinking creatively and experiencing new things also makes you realize you don’t need to hold onto the old issues as nothing much there anymore for you and you see the new fun and interesting things to focus on in life!


Sounds like you are on a good track here! Glad to hear it.





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Hey Jeff,

Sorry to hear about your change in circumstances, what you say is true, though sometimes hard to get past, in that getting depressed etc about it can't and won't change the world that caused it to happen.


You are right though, throwing myself back into the hobby and planning my......third (i think) trip to Japan has brightened my mood and gotten me motivated again, it's also nice to be back frequenting this forum (I'd stopped even looking at it for a while) 


@Pauljag900 the world tour looks fun, but I'm not sure it would be able to do more than stand static on my micro layout lol, this is the only layout I currently have as I only live in a small one bedroom flat with no real room for a layout. 

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Hi Tim,

thats no problem buddy,there s people on here who have nt got a layout,just a bit of track or summat will be fine,or any place of Intrest is good too.

there s a steam railway and cable tram nearby where I live and I m going to see if I can photo it on them ha ha👍😀😀

i think it ll be a while before it hits the uk anyway mate,so shall I put you on the list? 


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