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On 4/5/2021 at 10:56 PM, serotta1972 said:

When I’m not on the road driving my semi truck, I go off-roading with my 1/10 scale RC4WD Brand 2 door Hilux. 



I don't believe you have a Hilux unless it is properly equipped with a Soviet 14.5mm machine gun or some such similar thing...  🤣

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IJN Type A Ko-hyoteki ready for painting. The model is in 1/72 scale, made by Fine Molds. I'm going to finish it as Sub-Lieutenant Ban's M24. I got this model as I have a personal connection with these vessels and their operation in Sydney.  My father was at the Torpedo Factory on the night of the Sydney Harbour attack, and managed to sleep through the whole thing! A few years ago I did some contract work on the conservation of the preserved composite sub when it was being prepared for display at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. I've also carried out a field survey of the various harbour defence sites, including the remains of the detector loop installations and boom nets.  So when this model was released I was very keen to get one.


It's a simple kit with not many parts, and goes together very nicely with minimal work to clean up the seams on the hull. 








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Variations on a theme


You've seen bits of these before but thought it was worth pulling them together


The venerable Airfix 1/32nd 1904 Mercedes. lurking in my loft were three unbuilt examples. The earliest ones had the original instructions




plus one with the slightly later version



Now the car modelled was a race version that was a regular at the Brooklands motor racing circuit and which still survives to this day but its use is a bit limited.


These are ancient mouldings, very crude by today's standards but still useable so the first one was the Australian mofified WW1 armoured car used in the Western desert


scratchbuilt body from drawing generated from photographs




I was quite pleased with this one




So, one down, two to go


Most of the luxury cars in those days were supplied as a chassis only so your favourite coachbuilder could add a body to your spec, so anything goes really.


I speculated that a captured one was converted into a makeshift Military Police Paddy wagon to transfer deserters




The seat was left over from a Model T conversion and the grills were taken from a sheet of Scalelink diamond mesh


looks as if it is abandoned and about to be re-captured by the Kaiser's army




So that leaves the last one. Still pondering about it but if anybody has got any suggestions let me know.


I could model the armoured car again but with the  original turret, but only have one distant picture of it, not really enough to do the turret justice







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I can see some bits of the Tonda kit getting replaced with scratchbuilt bits. There doesn't seem to make a lot of sense cutting squares and rectangles out of the vacform sheet and then doing all the clening up when it is a lot quicker to cut them out of new sheet.


Anyway, progress so far




Lots of steel blocks and engineering V blocks used to keep the chassis square and straght whilst the Revell Contecta was setting. In the background there are now three British 13 pounder QF guns sat on the warflats (and a German 96 n/A 77mm gun), The one in unpainted grey is Brooklyn's first WW1 model. After he made a good job of the Airfix 1/32 Aston Martin we started on the old Airfix 00 scale engine shed (now marketed by Dapol) but to be honest it is not a good kit and there is no chance at present of him having a 00 scale layout so it hasn't got far. So I ordered him an Emhar kit of the 13 pounder and he has made a decent job of it. I've added some of the bits the kit ignores and it is ready for painting. The Emhar kits are a bit crude but they are cheap and a bit of time super-detailing pays dividends




more soon




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More progress.




had to resort to body filler to fit the resin cast wheels onto the axles


Looselt assembled




Let Brooklyn loose with the Hycote plastic primer aerosol and the Rover Brooklands green. Made him stand behind an imaginery line away from the paint bench so he didn't get too close to paint his 13 pdr QF gun





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A couple I still have from the BT (Before Trains).  The Bugatti needed a lot of work to bring it back as most of the front end had come apart, and some other parts too.  And one of the windscreens is just gone.


The Countach is motorized although I have never used it that way.

Bugatti Type 35_1.jpg


Bugatti Type 35_2.jpg


Countach LP400.jpg

Edited by RS18U
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Going down a rabbit hole here. This is a 1/48 scale carronade for HMS Cheerful.  A wooden ship I plan to build someday. I've been playing around with the laser cutter and basswood to make the carriages. The carronade itself is a brass one that I purchased. I've probably gone through 9 or 10 iterations playing around with better ways to make these. Still a work in progress. As you can see in the bottom photo, it's pretty small.









Edited by tossedman
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