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Bernard - Discussion thread


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Thanks Bernard for your overview.


I will look forward to your next posts. I'm quite interesting in the terraformation method you choose. I'm myself still wondering which one I should use: foam, carboard...


Anyway good luck with the paintjob you are planing. Doesn't seem quite easy to achieve.

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Vincent - There is no more room on my layout to fit anything else unless I add and extension.  :grin

This is a stand alone diorama to photograph and display trains.

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Yeah, I was sure this paintjob was going to be painfull. You were very courageous to try this. And so, at the end, are you happy with the result?

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Yeah, I was sure this paintjob was going to be painfull. You were very courageous to try this. And so, at the end, are you happy with the result?


Since I'm going to use gray ballast on the track, it's more that the simulated black wooden ties don't show through after it's ballasted, otherwise it will serve it's purpose. The Micro-Engineering track is already weathered and you can get it with concrete ties but most LHS don't stock it, (especially concrete ties which is not very popular so it's a hard sell for LHS) so you have to order it and pay for shipping.

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Are you using polystyrene for your mountain and not regular foam boards?


Also, it seems that the ballasting is not finsih in the tunnel but I might be mistaken. I have the impression I still see some blue under the rails there.

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The ballasting is completely done, (but there will be touch up work later) what you are seeing is the shadow of the black rounded insert inside the tunnel.

All the foams for the terrain will be made from foam board. In the past I've used balled up newspaper, cardboard slats criss-crossing, and foam board or and combination of any of the 2 that I've mentioned. This time I'm going the messy route, carving and sanding the foam into shape.

Jeff had a good suggestion for electric sanders with a vacuum (which I'll ask as a birthday gift) but for the time being I'll use this finishing sander that I have(w/o vacuum) and have the shop vacuum running. After you work with this stuff you feel as though you went through a styro-foam blizzard.  :grin

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I can see that the teraforming is getting closer and closer. Next step, styro-foam blizzard!


It's very nice to see such a project taking shape so quickly.

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Yeah, bring on the blizzard. I just can't imagine the mess you will get... i mean I am only cutting the styrofoam into blocks and I already have styrofoam everywhere, can't imagine what carving them will do  :grin

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What are you going to add? A bridge with a river, a freeway or a railway on it? Some buildings?


Also, your post make me remembered. I read one day someone saying that he was using a metal ruler to carve is foam. I wonder if it really works. It might since I sometime cut myself with mine.

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Wow, came out good! You're right, it looks solid and you can shape it any way you like.... So was it really messy with styrofoam pieces everywhere?

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Vincent - I use a metal ruler every time I am going to cut something with a razor blade or Xacto knife. Razor blades can cut into plastic rulers thus destroying the cut and the ruler. When I cut I press into the edge of the metal. Even when I lay down my flex track I make sure it's straight by lining up the edge of the ties with the metal ruler.


Serenity - The foam is messy but you clean up as you go along with a vacuum, but the result is a solid light structure.

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Great design, Bernard. I think i'm starting to see what you're trying to do. On the left side the hill is higher and there will be a road on the top which will sit higher than the train track. The right hand side hill is lower so the track will be visible from this side, so if you look from this side, you can see the train from the side and the hill + road on the background. Again, great design. ;)

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Great design, Bernard. I think i'm starting to see what you're trying to do. On the left side the hill is higher and there will be a road on the top which will sit higher than the train track. The right hand side hill is lower so the track will be visible from this side, so if you look from this side, you can see the train from the side and the hill + road on the background. Again, great design. ;)


Bingo! and thank you for the compliment. The higher part with the new road is in the back so that when it is on display with trains, the view wouldn't be blocked. I'm trying to be true to the photo but I thought the road would add a new dimension to someone looking at the display.

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Mate, you're really making progress, and it looks very good! I'm just a little but jealous.  :cheesy


Are you going to have portals and masts for the overhead?





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Mate, you're really making progress, and it looks very good! I'm just a little but jealous.  :cheesy


Are you going to have portals and masts for the overhead?





Don't be jealous, we're all doing it to have fun!

As for your question......you'll have to wait.

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Hum... those rocks look quite dangerous. To say it all, I'm not sure they are quite prototypical. But since you are going to cover those badboys under very lush vegetation... no prob!

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