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JNS Forum World Tour 2018 - Discussion


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Hi gents,

appologies if I ve put this in the wrong section.

i know this has been done before and a re run was mentioned a while back,but would anybody be intrested in doing the coach tour again.For those not familiar with this concept,Someone starts it off and runs it on their layout ,photographs it then posts it on to the next member and so on until it returns back to the person who started it.

I say coach but a box type van would be as good as you could see the signage better perhaps? Just a suggestion.


Edited by Pauljag900
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Hi kiha,

only problem there buddy is if it got damaged or lost in the post maybe?

If enough intrest is shown then we can see if anyone has a spare coach or box car they can donate,if not I m quite prepared to buy something cheap for the purpose.Kato do a plain white refrigeration box car for £3.00 on mtp,Kato 8006,that would be ideal.After all it’s just a bit of fun really.

i ve priced some sticky labels for it and they re about £5 per 100 which we could put in the package and people can take one or two just as a momentum and if they come off the car it can be replaced.

just my initial thoughts,i m sure someone who s done it before will have a better idea.

or the other one is Kato 8023.

Edited by Pauljag900
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I'll go through what I have and see if there is anything that would work well.  Good point about keeping it low value in case of problems.

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  On 1/25/2018 at 8:58 AM, Kiha66 said:

I'll go through what I have and see if there is anything that would work well.  Good point about keeping it low value in case of problems.


Nice one kiha,I have nt got anything here but I really do nt mind buying one of those box cars I mentioned before.


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Hey Kato,

hows things mate?

i m sure the original one was done using a coach,I m sure there s a video on YouTube but I can t find it yet,I ll keep looking.

As I said,if there s enough intrest shown I ll get the wagon and kick it off no probs,👍

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It ends in a day and a half, I'll post if whether win the item.  Maybe the second coach could be painted white with the whole thing decorated like when JNR did the american train with the 50 series coaches.

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We never did anything like this, although we had a discussion about the possibility of one in this thread: 

One of the problems was that there was not actually a train prepared, and that there was not someone who wanted to take the lead in the project. After all, you need someone to keep track of who has the train in possession, where it is being shipping, etc.

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Kato,thanks mate,knew I d seen it somewhere.

khia,cheers mate,if you do nt let me know and we ll put our heads together and see what we can come up with.

densha, we ll see how much intrest is generated and take it from there,I do nt mind kicking it off to be honest.

squid, I ve seen that one an thought I was maybe getting confused,thanks mate👍

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sounds like fun, as folks noted we kicked the idea around. It got a bit too complex going down the road of a growing Koki train where each participant would decorated a new container at each stop. 


I think the idea of a single car or container traveling is a lot simpler or easier. Main issue is thenshipping costs as those have risen a lot in the last few years. Small stuff like a single car can be $10 or more to ship internationally depending on the sending and receiving countries so that was an issue as well as folks will need to agree to pay for shipping to the next stop. This can be helped by trying to get the stops pre set up to take advantage of the most efficient shipping path. this could be some work though and would make it hard for folks to join in as I’m sure once it gets going more will want to join in and maybe they come on in a second loop then or add in if it works w.in a country.


containers and box cars work well as they have nice big surfaces to work on and then the graphic stands out well in a photo. Also lightweight and easy to ship. Waterslide decals work great on them that you can print in inkjet printer and seal with dull cost. White works well as you can’t print white so if there is white in the art you can just leave it clear and use the white of the container. The boxcar is nice as it stands alone, but container could be fun to have mixed in with each member’s rake or in their container yard to mix things up.


Like the idea of adding a sticker sheet for folks to have a small souvenir. Could include the water slides as well so they can make their own local container or car easily. 


Anyway like densha said it just needs someone to take charge and give it a go. It’s no big deal if things foul up at some point, will be good stuff learned and we can try again later with the lessons learned! 





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  On 1/25/2018 at 5:16 PM, cteno4 said:



sounds like fun, as folks noted we kicked the idea around. It got a bit too complex going down the road of a growing Koki train where each participant would decorated a new container at each stop. 


I think the idea of a single car or container traveling is a lot simpler or easier. Main issue is thenshipping costs as those have risen a lot in the last few years. Small stuff like a single car can be $10 or more to ship internationally depending on the sending and receiving countries so that was an issue as well as folks will need to agree to pay for shipping to the next stop. This can be helped by trying to get the stops pre set up to take advantage of the most efficient shipping path. this could be some work though and would make it hard for folks to join in as I’m sure once it gets going more will want to join in and maybe they come on in a second loop then or add in if it works w.in a country.


containers and box cars work well as they have nice big surfaces to work on and then the graphic stands out well in a photo. Also lightweight and easy to ship. Waterslide decals work great on them that you can print in inkjet printer and seal with dull cost. White works well as you can’t print white so if there is white in the art you can just leave it clear and use the white of the container. The boxcar is nice as it stands alone, but container could be fun to have mixed in with each member’s rake or in their container yard to mix things up.


Like the idea of adding a sticker sheet for folks to have a small souvenir. Could include the water slides as well so they can make their own local container or car easily. 


Anyway like densha said it just needs someone to take charge and give it a go. It’s no big deal if things foul up at some point, will be good stuff learned and we can try again later with the lessons learned! 






Hi Jeff,

thanks for the support buddy.

Well I think between myself and khia we re trying to sort a car/coach.I was just thinking the kato 8023 if we can get one,it’s inexpensive,white and a large area for graphics.I was thinking of getting some small labels printed in the JNS style with world tour 2018 on them and just stick them to the car,put the remainder in the package for people to take some but also to replace the ones on the car if they come off or get damaged.

The only real issue,as you quite rightly said is the postage and possibly customs charges.We could label it as “gift” and hope for the best,but I can t see it being that much on an item costing £3-£4.

We need to see how much intrest is generated first buddy,then we can all get our heads together and work things out.

i do nt mind kicking it off to be honest mate but quite happy for someone else to do it if they want.

IF it comes off,how nice would it be to have a poster size colage of all the photos on together?👍👍😀😀😀

anyway it was just a thought jeff.

too much time on my hands mate😂😂😂😂😂😂


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Yep the customs issues are variable also with the to and from. Gift cannhelp it but not always. Once you have a good list you can find out from folks from each country on the list any of the big gotchas they have run into. Did the stuff I airmailed you as a gift get snagged for duty? 


Poster is a fun idea, you can put it up as a digital file that folks can print out with a digital printing service in their country or locally.


might poke toni and see if he could art it up some for you onnthe car. He has talked about doing up a proper JNS logo and said he might help when the traveling show came up last time. He seems to be pretty busy with work and mini toni lately though.


another thing we talked about was folks adding something like a note or just sig, date and location on a card that goes along with the car. Or a set size piece of paper like 5x8cm that folks would do this on. Problem with this is keeping it simple and light for shipping and it could also easily get lost or separated. But the notes in the bottle for subsequent recipients to get is a fun thing.


im in here!



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Hi Jeff,

no, the parcel you sent me was fine,but it was only an envelope if you remember so no issues with that.

i m pretty sure once we have the names we can work out the next closest place or person to send it to.Of course that does nt take in to account anybody joining in at the last minute.We d have to factor that in somehow,something else to talk about once we know what’s what.


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Just an idea: since most people have container cars or at least some flatcars, it would be possible to just send the containers (like 3 or 4 of them) in a small sturdy reusable box. This could keep the costs down due to not much weight and a true 'gift $10' status. Decorating one container and leaving space on the other two for small images added at each stop could also work. For prices, i think registered shipping is a must.

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  On 1/26/2018 at 9:42 AM, kvp said:

Just an idea: since most people have container cars or at least some flatcars, it would be possible to just send the containers (like 3 or 4 of them) in a small sturdy reusable box. This could keep the costs down due to not much weight and a true 'gift $10' status. Decorating one container and leaving space on the other two for small images added at each stop could also work. For prices, i think registered shipping is a must.


I like this. Also, you won't really need a container car at all. Putting them on a truck or in a railway yard on a layout could work just as well.

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Morning gents,

good input from both,thanks.

i ve got very few freight cars but starting to collect a few bits and bobs.Yesterday I mentioned a few but then I found the  Tomix 2734 covered freight car.

It s cheap at £3.80,white in colour and the two panels either side of the doors are flat ,making it easy to put on stickers or do art work on.

Its probably easier and cheaper than doing a container.But hey,I do nt want to sound like I m taking over here,it s just my opinion that’s all gents.👍😀

The other thing Also is that I need some freight cars so will buy two of these anyway and I m quite prepared to donate one for this purpose.

The main thing at the moment is to see how many people want to take part so we can discuss things properly.

As far as I can tell the only real issue is that we all need to agree to pay any charges that we incurr,postage, customs etc,putting gift on will help but on a £4 item they should be minimal anyway.


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also see if you can find the lightest but strudiest container for the car. Then it’s a question of each person wrapping the box. Could use padded mailer but they start to shred after a few uses and can be hard to reuse wirh some postage. I guess it’s something to protect the car well inside what ever folks then want to ship it to the next slot in. If it’s just the plastic box then if you have one of those bubble wrap bags or at least a wrap in small bubble wrap. This will be one thing the sucker is going to get beat around the world thru all those posts! 


I just got a box in the post from w.in the us and it had fragile stickers all around and one side looked just like a foot had stomped on it and crushed the box in 1/3rd of the way. Luckily the piece survived as well packed inside!



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I can donate these extra containers that I have and can bring it to Jeff when I go to DC next week.  Suica made a good point that you don't have to have a Koki as you can just park it next to the tracks or yard.  These particular containers would be great as it doesn't have a lot of markings and relatively cheap if we were to get more.




Edited by serotta1972
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Hi jeff/junior,

My daughter has just got her first decent wage from her new job and wanted to buy me a present for taking care of her sis I ve asked her for two of these,


These would be perfect too,they re small,cheap,white,so any graphics would show up well and small.Khia is chasing down a coach from eBay so with juniors donation of the container we now have all 3 options.

As far as I can see the only issue is the postage and possible charges.We could do with somehow putting a post up inviting members to take part and explaining the possible cost to themselves then asking them to write their names down if they want to take part.I m not really sure how to go about doing this so perhaps you could do something jeff? Not wanting to offload it to you in anyway jeff,just because you know the forum better than ma so know how to do it.Is that ok jeff?

In the meantime we could do with someone creating a nice sign to have some labels made that can travel with it,I say labels purely so if any damage occurs to the artwork we can easily replace it,and as we said the other day members can keep one as a momentum should they wish to do so,

what do you think gents?


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I think it can be a container or this freight car also, both of them are superlight so I think there won't be a huge difference between the postage cost.

I would like to mention that maybe some planning is required for example to keep the car / container first in European members, then goes to America or Asia / Australia, etc. The order does not matter, we can start anywhere.

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