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People’s Republic of China N Scale trains


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  On 5/23/2022 at 6:14 AM, disturbman said:

It only appears gray on many pictures because roofs are not regularly cleaned


The gray portion should end at the line dividing cab and main cabin. In the spy pictures months ago, the gray color ended immediately above the headlight, which is inaccurate. The Facebook photos appears correct on this matter.

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  On 5/23/2022 at 2:44 PM, Nozomi329 said:

The gray portion should end at the line dividing cab and main cabin. In the spy pictures months ago, the gray color ended immediately above the headlight


I must have misunderstood the conversations then, I had thought some of the posters complained the cars' roof were not gray. Not that the black on the front was incorrect.

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  On 5/23/2022 at 5:05 PM, disturbman said:

some of the posters complained the cars' roof were not gray


Some indeed thought that way, actually so did I. Some closer look changed my mind. here's a good picture from wiki to tell the difference.



But anyways, the recent photos from 国铁小站 appears that they solved this issue.

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A bit more pictures were released today, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dxfd5IkoEgnLYd5nhu8Rlg. Details and printing seem as good as usual. As always Charming has produced different variants, there are two 8-car sets and two 4*2-car sets for a total of four different formations. One of the formations will be the test train in special livery.

  On 5/24/2022 at 9:43 PM, gavino200 said:

I like it. I think I'd buy one.


I'm definitely warming up to it, the picture of the paired consists looks really good. This would be the TB link, https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-15904113657.32.41055d83JiqMuw&id=655323002044.

Otherwise, the model will be available through the usual HK shops. At least one was taking reservations. It might be better to go through TB so you can buy the DCC decoders with the train.

Edited by disturbman
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Both Charming and Kunter made some announcements recently.


Charming announced this "PB substitution box car" here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YuXqglnAMpuNUT6uqVNvsw It's basically a boxcar converted from refrigerator cars.

Be aware that the release plan is for Thursday instead of the normal Friday (dragon boat festival vacation).

And just a side note that I'm a bit disappointed that Charming's CRH1 is not DCC friendly. The light bars are basically Kato ones.


Kunter demonstrated the features of their new 25T coaches here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9F4JqBwrut5MxIwhYoaNTA

Along with the corresponding set and road numbers here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TTiLyGVfTGAguecmEnYdRQ

And the new plan of RW19T "High-end soft sleeper" here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/X48tueNaRcd-Rf0lGHsGxA

The soft sleeper (RW) cars featuring painted compartment doors and corridor handrail.

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  On 6/2/2022 at 8:05 AM, disturbman said:

Interesting, never seen these before, do they run in fixed consists or mixed in with other type of cars?


Neither had I.

It seems that the B6 refrigerator car, from which the PB is converted, could run individually. The conversion is pretty much to remove all the refrigerator related equipment, change the doors to the larger ones that are commonly seen on other box cars, and change to better bogeys capable of 120km/h operation. There's no reason they had to be in fixed consists. In fact, Charming's announcement included a picture where it's coupled to a gondola. If there is a case it has to go alone, I would guess that it can only go at the 120km/h speed when every car in the consist is capable of that.

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Too bad, the individual cars are already sold out. I would have bought a couple to go with my boxcars, but not a full set.

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It's still possible to get both 4-car set of CRH1A-1021. The 8-car sets are gone and only the additional 4-car set of CRH1A-1100 is still available.


We have started to see posters for Charming CRH5A.

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Charming CRH5A is now available for pre-order at Popondetta. There are different variants available. See here. The models are also available from RG-R at the Popondetta prices (discount does not apply to these sets). Limited quantity available so fast reservation is recommended. Expected delivery Q4 2022

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KHAHO now sells Charming sets. The CRH5A is now available for pre-order for 1500 HKD for the 8 car set (significantly cheaper than what you would pay from Japan)

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1500HKD is the price of the 8-car CRH1A at Changming’s TB shop.


It might be the better source for Chinese stuff.

Edited by disturbman
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Charming's next product is this JSQ6 autorack coming on Friday: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3ct6pXsr5bqGiX21W8sn5Q

Kunter made several announcements in the recent weeks, including RW19T "High-end soft sleeper", their own (possibly Chinese HSR style) N scale tracks, S25B double deck coach sets, new liveries of CRH2A, XL25T express mail cars, and...a photo of the last 5-car addon for CRH380AL.

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Did anyone see the Minitown 12 car 25T series set arrive?  I'm afraid I may have missed it, I saw no announcement for it but now it seems its not to be found anywhere.  It also does not appear on their website.



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  On 11/30/2022 at 6:07 AM, Kiha66 said:

I'm afraid I may have missed it


That is unfortunately true. The announcement was made in early September and as always sold out within minutes. The same is for their recent DF4B, which was announced 4 hours before sale begin and gone probably within 5 minutes. Rumors say that another run of DF4B will come recently but Chinese domestic transport is significantly disrupted by covid issues at this point.

By the way I doubt if they still maintain their website anymore as most activities happen on Wechat platforms.

Edited by Nozomi329
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