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Local Line/Light Rail “B-Trak” Modular Mini Layout - Help/Ideas/Critics wanted


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Hello guys,


After many months of hesitation, dreaming and thinking, I’ve finally decided on a few basic principles for my first Japanese layout.


I currently don’t have much space available for a layout, and probably won’t move to another place anytime soon where I could build something larger. In fact I don’t even have space for a permanent layout. But I still want to have a ‘solid’ layout which allows for some operations and running trains, and have some space for some nice scenery.
Here is the solution I came up with…


Concept & Size

I’ll be building a modular layout, which must be quickly and easily assembled whenever I want to run trains. The layout will be used atop of my drawing desk which is 1600mm (about 63 inches) wide.
This is the current maximum length of the completed layout. I also can’t have a 1600mm long module because I wouldn’t know where to store it, hence the modular solution.


When not in use, the modules will be stacked on a shelf or stocked inside Ikea Billy bookcases (“B-Trak” for Billy-Track). Thus, the maximum length of a module will be 775mm (about 30.5 inches) to fit into the 780mm width shelf of a wide Billy bookcase. The width of a module could be of 280mm if I’d stick with SuperMini 103mm curves; but I’m ok with a width of 350mm to fit the Mini 140mm curves which will allow me to run a greater variety of rolling stock, even if the module sticks out of the bookcase when in stored position.


We always get a lot of dust inside and I want to protect the layout from it. The modules will be self-enclosed with a mix of Plexiglas (front and top) and wooden sides (perhaps with Plexiglas windows). I’ll probably CAD the benchwork parts and have them laser-cut out of plywood for an easy and strong build. I’ve reserved 1cm around every module to fit the ‘walls’; the available space inside the widest module is thus of 755x330mm.


The layout can be made of modules of different sizes :
- 770+770mm:

- 383+770+383mm:

- 215+560+560+215mm:

- 770+560+215mm (or 215+560+770mm):




Track & Rolling Stock

I’ll be using Tomix Fine Track, which I already have a stock of, including 8x 140-30 switches (4x left and 4x right). Each module would connect to its neighbour with the use of 33mm track pieces, which would serve as removable “bridges”. Furthermore, I’d like to put a 18.5mm piece before the loop’s curves to separate possible switches from the curve’s end to ensure less derailments.


My available rolling stock is mainly Tomix Mini Curves-able DMUs, Hakone Tozan vehicles, both Kato Eizan Kiraras, short locomotives (DE10, DD16, ED75, EF65) and freight cars (WAMU style), Tomytec Railway Collection pieces, Modemo Randen cars, some B-Train Shortys, etc. The maximum length for a train would probably be around 280mm.



It is to be noted that each module could have a different setting; I don’t mind breaking the layout into individual “railway paintings” this way.
It still should depict some local rural line and/or light rail line (Randen/Enoden feeling) with, if possible:

  • A zone to put up the Tomytec Shrine which would hold a matsuri/festival with stands, people, lanterns, etc.
  • A small residential zone
  • A few oldschool shops
  • A combini of course
  • Some kind of onsen town feeling
  • A small industrial zone (which can be the included/merged with in the train yard)
  • Some water (pond or smallish river)
  • Some hilly forest/foresty hill
  • Many rail-crossings in impossible but prototypical places
  • Some strange rail-vs-road configurations/crossings as can be seen on the Randen/Enoden lines


Track plan needs

Now, in such a small space (~1550x350mm), I obviously want to put a whole lot of things…


Must have:

  • 1x 2-track Station
  • Train Yard

Nice to have:

  • Mini Inglenook-type Yard (4-2-2 or 3-2-2)
  • More stations (so that the train can ride from A to B), if possible with 2 or more tracks
  • An industrial track with unloading ramp or hangar
  • A bridge


Where you can help !


Firstly, I’d love to have feedback from you guys about the concept itself of this modular ‘affair’: is it plausible, doable? Am I missing something?


Secondly, I’d really love to have track plans suggestions from you, or any ideas really!
I’ve drawn some satisfactory solutions, which I’ll post underneath this, but I’m sure you could come up with interesting things which I wouldn’t even dream of.


If you want to help, you can download the base SCARM files and the corresponding .jpg backgrounds:

- 770+770 : Scarm / Background
- 383+770+383 : Scarm / Background
- 215+560+560+215 : Scarm / Background
- 770+560+215 : Scarm / Background


Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for any comment or help !

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Current Ideas:


- 770+770 - A01:



- 770+770 - A02:




- 770+770 - A05:



- 770+770 - B04:



- 770+770 - B05:

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Great stuff! Way to fit in what you can with the space you have.


On thing remeber the joiners sticking out from the ends of the modules may add 5mm or so so maybe give some more space in the shelf width by going to like 760mm long module base.


Might think of putting glass doors onto the bookcase for storage dust prevention. Seal up wit ph some of the velvet tape around the edges behind the door frame if needed they make some nice glass doors for the billy series. Making plex boxes for the top is an option but getting into that can be a bit of work and always not fun to run the layout under glass like that and can get fiddly to build nicely even if totally removable and maybe better to put that time and effort (and money) into the layout itself. Cases like that never look great, they always get between you and the object. Storing in the bookcase behind glass is a simple way to keep dust away, still display and be done in 10 minutes!





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Since you are using Tomix track, you might want to consider point-to-point and use TCS to automate.  Velo has some expertise in this.

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On thing remeber the joiners sticking out from the ends of the modules may add 5mm or so so maybe give some more space in the shelf width by going to like 760mm long module base.


Might think of putting glass doors onto the bookcase for storage dust prevention. Seal up wit ph some of the velvet tape around the edges behind the door frame if needed they make some nice glass doors for the billy series. Making plex boxes for the top is an option but getting into that can be a bit of work and always not fun to run the layout under glass like that and can get fiddly to build nicely even if totally removable and maybe better to put that time and effort (and money) into the layout itself. Cases like that never look great, they always get between you and the object. Storing in the bookcase behind glass is a simple way to keep dust away, still display and be done in 10 minutes!

Thank you for pointing the joiners' potential problem out, I'll be careful with this.
About the glass doors, it's a good idea and would look really great when stored.
The problem with going for 350mm wide modules (for C140 curves) is that the modules will stick out of the shelves... so can't do.
But I hear your point about the fact that the "glass wall" can get between you and the object as you say. This seems indeed important to consider. I'm gonna think this through and try to build the modules with easily removable top and face panels (and not a single bent piece which would be cumbersome).
Thank you for this.



Since you are using Tomix track, you might want to consider point-to-point and use TCS to automate.  Velo has some expertise in this.



I really don't know much about TCS but it seems intriguing, I'll have to look into that, thank you.

But doesn't automation takes some fun of playing with the trains away ? I've always been wondering...

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Ahh whoops doors won't work then! I thought there use to be a 15" deep shelf unit that was the billy dimensions to use the doors and such but not there now! Looks like fewer selections than I last remebered searching and buying!


Easiest would be to just build a plex box that slipped over the top of each modules for storage and or display, but those can be very fiddly and expensive to make. For storage display they would not get too in the way visually. For running it the best view to get rid of any wall, etc.


Ugly but if out of view you could just have a plastic drape over the shelves that have modules.


If your storage is not very visible to show off the modules (i.e. Like lower shelves) then how about just a piece of light plastic film to drape over each the modules. That will do the trick for dust! Simple and Cheap! If scenery bits are sticking up you can make some posts out of thin dowels or skewers you can stick in holes to be tent poles to hold the plastic film up away fro delicate scenery bits. Could start this way and the add a fancier top on later if the time, inclination, money catch up with it. Don't let the cover for storage muck up getting started on the modules!


Again if not very visible the even a foamcore box over the top would do it. Can't see the module, but good dust and bump protection.


Other good thing about modules like this it's very easy to dust and clean them as you can get at them so easily. Few makeup brushes to dust with and a micro hose attachment for your vacuum cleaner ($10 total) will let you really clean off a modules in a few minutes if you find dust a real issue.


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! It's fun seeing folks solutions to tight space like this.





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