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Layout 2.20m x 0.50m


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Heyho guys,

I make this post cause of an idea i have... Sadly i cant plan it right now due to the lack of PC... So I wanted to ask right now if you guys can make something on that size.


The Module is 2.20m by 0.50m and it can be an oval as i wanna build something to that on the other side kinda like a non seen depot...


Thanks in advance for whoever posts... Otherwise I'll possibly post myself once i have my PC back...

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I think kvp will be your man, he always have a lot of ideas for new layouts. However 0.5 m seems a little bit tight for an oval layout, but let's see. :)

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However 0.5 m seems a little bit tight for an oval layout, but let's see. :)

Thats why i said... Basically on that module is only half of the oval, the other is on the other side... So see it as kinda 1m wide but halfed for two modules

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I think you mean a 2.2m x 1m oval with half of it visible. I think i can draw something as soon as i get to a computer. Do you want a double or a single track layout?

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I think you mean a 2.2m x 1m oval with half of it visible. I think i can draw something as soon as i get to a computer. Do you want a double or a single track layout?

Exactly and double track if possible yes!


Thanks in advance kvp ^^

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You will be limited.  I have a double track oval on a 60 inch by 30 inch table  (1524 x 762) with R280 and R317 curves.  Four to six car trains probably look best. But I currently have no sidings and there is not enough room for switches leading into a four track station on the main line. A three track station with R280 and R317 curved turnouts is possible. I focus on building urban scenes rather than track everywhere.

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You will be limited. I have a double track oval on a 60 inch by 30 inch table (1524 x 762) with R280 and R317 curves. Four to six car trains probably look best. But I currently have no sidings and there is not enough room for switches leading into a four track station on the main line. A three track station with R280 and R317 curved turnouts is possible. I focus on building urban scenes rather than track everywhere.

i have a bad sense of what fits right now anyway... I would have made my own track plan but i know its very limited
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First quick draft with a classic layout: 5 track station for 7 car trains and a 2 track yard with some storage sidings and a maintenance building. The main station building could go behind the stub track with the side platform. The scarm library has some bugs in the curved turnouts, but they work in real life. Most parts could be left out if less track and more scenery is desired.post-1969-0-42991100-1480284644.png

ps: i'll try to draw something more interesting too, but that requires a bit of extra thinking...


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I don't know exactly what you are looking for .............  I am assuming that you are setting up a display type layout where you can easily stage and run different trains.


I originally drafted the two yards within the loops.  Added the outside flow through industrial yard for staging.


6" squares, outside cures are 249mm (9 3/4), inside curves are 216mm (8 1/2").


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I like that design, and curved turnouts prior to the lead tracks for the two upper yards would allow usefully longer storage tracks.




Ditto for the station yard if the lead came off the curve before the top platform track straightens out.



The bottom siding of the middle yard ends up on the other baseboard.


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6" squares, outside cures are 249mm (9 3/4), inside curves are 216mm (8 1/2").

Imho the minimal radius should be at 280 mm to allow all types of japanese trains to run on the layout.


For my draft above, i used Tomix tracks as Tomix and Kato are the two main track makers for japanese N scale and Tomix allows more compact layouts.


And here is a plan with Y turnouts only (also Tomix):


And a somewhat hybrid variant:




Edited by kvp
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Another basic plan, this time for Kato tracks: (might have some platform clearance issues around the double crossover though, depending on the rolling stock)


(island platforms go the middle, maintenance shed goes to the left and side platform with station building go to the top track)


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Here's a variant maximized for train watching with minimal effort.  If you're content to have certain trains assigned to the inner and outer loops, you can even eliminate the double crossover to further simplify the wiring - I used it mostly to establish track spacing at the station.  Turnout switches can be ganged so you only need to select the yard and station track to be used at any one time.


I've added short straight sections on the ends to facilitate joining / separating the two sides - which would probably require two people, even if the benchwork is super light.  These tracks might be left loose and only added at the time of joining.   An engine terminal and other tracks can be added if and where desired.  A bus or tram line could occupy the large center area, probably spanning both modules - I would again suggest removable track at the join area.


Each loop can support up to five trains - one operating, three parked on yard sidings, and one on the station siding.  Obviously, the length of the trains is dictated by siding length, although I think one 10-car train might fit on each loop - but it would foul the station points if stopped there.  The station sidings could be longer if curved turnouts were used on the approaches.


The outer loop uses 317 track and the inner 280, while each square is 10 Cm.

A scenic divider could be used down the middle if wanted - it could be placed just in front of the yard to provide a large cityscape over both sections.  All of the turnouts will make the track more expensive up front, but will soon pay for themselves with the ease of operation - unless you really enjoy switching mains and reversing long trains into and out of single ended sidings.






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That's a nice shadow station with the basic quad track station for double mains. For hidden tracks, through operation is always more reliable.


Single ended sidings are for trains terminating on the visible part of the layout or if you use Tomix auto stop buffers on the hidden yard.

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Here's a modification for guys who like to run really long trains, but who don't have a lot of space.  Each loop has sidings for three 7-8 car trains, and one separate track that can hold a full 16-car train - without interfering with siding / staging operation.  Careful scenery design will allow you to hide these staged trains from front view, so their arrival on the visible layout can be a surprise.  Of course, the long train won't fit at the station platforms, but then a train like that wouldn't be stopping at such a small station anyway ;-)


The AnyRail plan shows some half-dozen questionable track joins, but they all "work" (circles), so I take this to indicate that they're all within the fudge factor.  This design will also require you to pay more attention to operation, with most trains leaving their respective main line via the station siding.


I'm also posting my Tomix "cheat sheet" for AnyRail.







Tomix track pieces for AnyRail



1021               S140

1022               S280

1024               S70

1099A             S33

1099B             S18.5

1522               Flexible:  2 3/4" - 3 35/64"



1113A             C177-30

1113A             C177-60

1143               C243-15

1125               C243-45

1124               C280-15

1121               C280-45

1127               C317-15

1122               C317-45

1144               C354-15

1126               C354-45

1145               C391-15

1123               C541-15

1150               C605-10



Turnouts and other

1231               PR140-30

1232               PL140-30

1271               PR541-30

1272               PL541-30

1273               PR280-30

1274               PL280-30

1248               CPR317/280-45

1249               CPL317/280-45

1247               Double crossover - 280 long


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Just a little fun contribution. No station on the main line, but instead a parade track for the long trains, big curves and a local line for two or three car trains on a lower level. The three track station is supposed to be hidden and be used as a yard.






The other side of the layout can either be a yard or a station for the mainline trains. This idea is more focussed on running the trains and scenery, rather than cramming in as much track as possible.

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Really loved your design Kabutoni!


I finaly got arround to make my own now to this since i got my PCs back finaly... (used a road to show where a "river" could be)



But somehow i am not 100% pleased... I liked how you guys contributed and i'd love to see you guys maybe giveing me a Singletrack layout... maybe that will be a little better... (also small Station will be fine)




All of your Designs will go towards my Club and we'll see which one we'll pick thou...

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